Haunting Memories

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"Hey, Dad," Jason called from upstairs. I lifted my head and as if I had x - ray vision and could see my son instead of the ceiling, replied. "Yeah?" Jason ran down the stairs as quick as a hiccup. For some uncertain reason, he enjoyed running up and down the stairs, despite my constant warnings that doing so can result in death. Jason merely shrugged it off saying he was more likely to perish from Elijah's wet kisses rather than the stairs twisting his neck. I couldn't tell which was more dangerous.

      "Did you remember that tomorrow is my big soccer game?" he inquired. "Forget my son's last game of the year? Never!" I grinned. From his position at the bottom of the stairs, he ran over to me, jumped over the couch, and snuggled in to me. Wrapping an arm around him, I kissed the top of his head and he giggled in response. Jason loved snuggling up into a little ball, unlike me. He also favored small places and once persuaded me to take him to what he called a "large amusement park". It was only after we arrived did I realize that it seemed more like a city for mice. I could barely hold back the vomit from the nausea. He's a strange little boy, but he's my boy. "I bet Christina will even bring a parade in your honor," I add. Jason laughed. "Nah, more likely she'd bring an audience big enough to fill a stadium and old photos of me as a toddler. She'd gush over how young I was then and how I've grown. You know, just your typical public humiliation," Jason claimed. We laughed. I changed the tv show so it would be playing "Daredevil", Jason's favorite show. It was a Marvel tv show revolving around a blind man who was a secret vigilante. Basic Marvel stuff, yet he ate it up like a homeless man does a steaming plate of pie. Jason left for a bit then returned with the large Godiva chocolate container filled with creamy and rich chocolate Zeke had given him last Christmas. Jason still hadn't finished it and it was almost summer! The thing was bigger than my head!

      While him and I ate in silence, I knew Jason's head was louder than a thousand fireworks exploding simultaneously. Jason always got riled up whenever Daredevil was on. I wondered what he saw in that show. Then again, it was no secret Jason had more imagination than I did, so that could explain part of it. As the show progressed, I noticed Jason's hands twitching. He was trying to mimic Matt Murdock's, or Daredevil's, fighting style. I smiled. My son knew next to nothing about my past, but he was smart enough to put the pieces together. He was fully aware that I am an experienced fighter, yet I think he underestimates my fighting skills. Chuckling, my mind envisioned the scenario in which Jason would see me fighting another individual. In that scenario, his jaw reached the floor and his eyes screamed "my hero". Was I being too arrogant? I don't know. I don't think so at least.

Slowly, my eyes seemed to sew shut together and sleep dragged me into its lightless abyss. I dreamed. Well, the more appropriate word for it is "nightmare," but still, I dreamed.

I woke up and Tris was standing over me, her long blonde locks appeared to be pouring down from her head. Doesn't Tris have short hair? half my mind questioned but the other half pushed the thought away. She smiled that beautiful smile of hers. I blinked once. Then twice. Then three times. As if the world was about to end any second, I rushed up to her and pulled her into the tightest hug of my life. She laughs and embraces me as well. Jason popped into my mind right then. Where was he? "I see you two have met," Jason acknowledged. I nodded, not letting go of Tris. She shifted a little under my grip. "She came to the door and said she had to see you, that you could help her," Jason explained. I nodded once more, still hugging Tris. She started to squirm. "The lady even said she'd die without you and you are her one true love. That only you can break the enchantment placed upon her by the wicked witch," Jason exaggerated/joked. I laughed. Now, Tris seemed to be trying to pry me off her. I wouldn't budge. "Alright then. I'll leave Romeo and Juliet to their personal affairs," Jason announced as he headed upstairs. I breathed in Tris's scent from her hair. She smelled like vanilla. I wanted to bury my face in her neck and hair for all eternity. My emotions were flooding my head so much, that I neglected to perceive Tris desperately attempting to push me off her, but to no avail. Then, something snapped and she gasped. I let go of her and she fell to the floor. While I had been hugging her, I squeezed her so hard, her neck broke! I screamed and lifted her up, doing everything in my power to persuade me otherwise that she was not dead. But it was no use. I killed her. Tears formed in my eyes and I didn't bother stopping them from falling as I wailed like a baby. Jason came downstairs and gasped in horror. He jumped back, away from me as if I were some monster from a horror movie. "Jason," I said as I walked closer to him. "STOP! Stop right there!" he shouted. I froze in my steps. He was holding my gun in his hands, and it was aimed at me. Odd, he wasn't holding it a second ago. Was he? "You killed her. You killed an innocent woman," Jason whimpered. I cried harder and he followed suite. "Wendy was right about you. You're a murderer." "Jason-" BANG! I looked down, shocked. He shot me. My own son shot me in the chest. Another BANG! Jason shot my leg. I stared up at him incredulously, mouth agape. Jason swallowed, saliva foaming from his mouth and tears streaming down his eyes. I stepped closer to him. Jason now aimed the gun at my head and pulled the trigger.

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