Journey to Chicago

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WARNING: This chapter goes into some detail about sex and discusses it along with virginity. However, it is nothing too graphic. Be warned if you are sensitive to these subjects.


"And . . . done! All done!" I said, happiness consuming me. I checked my phone. "And I'll still make it to the flight!" I cheered. Bidding Mrs. Figueroa goodbye, I raced to the elevator. Once I exited the building, it was then I noticed that all the cabs passing by were full. Panic started to take hold until I realized Ben was waving at me like a madman to get in the car. Passing people might've thought he was a crazy old man, but Ben didn't care. He was just the type of person who always helps you no matter what. The world could be on fire and he'd run over to you (despite his old age) just to make sure your shoes were tied. I hugged him and got in the car, heart pumping at 90 mph. Ben drove quickly and I ran upstairs to my apartment to fetch my luggage once we arrived at my apartment building. I was going to make it! Just as I was about to leave, I noticed Dusty was sitting on the edge of the couch, head down. It appeared as if he was about to cry. Glancing up at the clock, I decided I had enough time to comfort him before I left. Setting my things down, I sauntered over and sat down next to him. He didn't even cast a glance in my direction.

"What's wrong, Dusty?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Dusty?" Nothing. I was getting impatient. "Dusty, do you want me to pull a Broken Record on you?" This acquired me his full attention. Whenever anyone wouldn't answer a query of mine, I did what Dusty, Kianna, and I called a "Broken Record", where I asked the same question over and over again until the person's patience ran out and they finally gave in. It was more irritating than Spongebob's laugh. He smiled at me, albeit a weak smile. "It's just that, I love this girl, but, I'm not sure if she loves me back," he finally answered. Dusty? In love? It was unimaginable. To love someone, you really need to get to know them and spend time with them. The only girls he hangs out with are Kianna and me. Then, I thought about how Kianna loved him. He must mean Kianna! The kiss I dared them to do really must've knocked some sense into Dusty! They'll be dating faster than a cheetah can run! Yes! "Oh, really?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. I noticed he edged closer to me. "She's got the most beautiful eyes. The prettiest laugh. The biggest heart," he added, now holding my hand. I remembered how Kianna blew up at me over work and thought if I flirted with him, it might be good revenge. Right? "Well, I'm sure she'd say the same about you," I responded, grinning.

Hey, Amber, your voice of reason here. Whatcha doin'? I blinked. Uh. . . . I trailed off. Yeah, that's what I thought. A moment ago, you were trying to get Kianna and Dusty together, but now, you're flirting with Dusty, the man Kianna loves just for petty revenge? Pardon my French, but what the f**k is wrong with you?! I thought about it. Kianna was in love with him. I couldn't do this. Friends fight all the time. That's no reason to steal someone's lover. I was about to get up, wish him luck, and leave when suddenly, his lips crashed to mine. I was stunned. What could I do? He got on top of me and laid me down on the couch, his hands on my waist. Panic started flooding me as his hand began to lift up my shirt.

AMBER DANIELS!!!!!! My conscience screamed. YOU ARE A GROWN WOMAN AND DEVOTED FRIEND!!! PUSH DUSTY OFF YOU!!! I agreed. And just when I started too, something hit me.

I was standing over a chasm, my lips locked with someone. Dusty? No. This man had a large tattoo with all the faction symbols on his back. Wait, faction symbols? How did I know those words? Then, another one. A man, his father, trying to whack him with a belt, and me deflecting it. Another. A new man, Caleb, hugging me. My brother! Next. The man, Tobias, and I are doing something. Both naked, both in bed, and, f**k! I'm not a virgin after all, I guess. Then, me watching my parents die. Seeing myself almost drowning then pressing my finger to a glass, it cracking, and then breaking, releasing me from my watery prison. Me chasing a dog to save a little girl. Me escaping Chicago and going over the wall. Watching a friend, . . . Tori, die! Fighting Jeanine Matthews and myself. Getting on a zip line! Riding an airplane. And, and, and, me stopping the memory serum from infecting the people of Chicago. Me being shot by David, leader of the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. Me dying.

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