Jason's Accident

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[ WARNING: Some content may prove potentially triggering. This chapter discuss rape. While it is nothing too graphic, you should be warned that the following chapter will contain some upsetting material. Please refrain from complaining in the comments or elsewhere. The title is not in ANY way stating that rape is accidental. Those who commit the act should be held accountable. Rather, it refers to Jason's dilemma and what he will have to endure after having been accused of this act and his mistake of getting involved/not hiding his relationship with Diana very well. Thank you and enjoy my crappy writing.]

~ Tris ~

      I highly doubt Ben will be waiting to drive me home, as he was there to witness the entire event unfold as well. Along with the fact that he isn't allowed to drive unemployed people during work hours, that translates to me driving Jason and I home. Or, at least to my apartment as I don't posses a key to Tobias' hotel room. I saunter over to my car, head held high and posture straight, despite everything inside me crumbling like a sand castle. My hand grips the car door and pulls it open. Jason needs no encouragement from me and dejectedly enters the car. I shut the door behind him and get inside as well. The drive is quiet for a while, barring the sound of our heartbeats. Finally, Jason speaks up. "I didn't do it," Jason claims. I think back to the last few days. His violent outburst. When he said, "maybe even strangle one another". That was an interesting choice of language. If you combine that with the fact that his mother is in prison and he has an abusive grandfather . . . one might say . . . no, no way this is hereditary. After all, Tobias turned out fine. No doubt Jason did as well. He sighs. "Look, a couple of days ago she kissed me and then we started dating. And that's all we were doing today, kissing. Then your boss walked in and she got so mad when she saw us which led to Diana making up this elaborate lie! I did nothing!" Jason yells. I blink a few times and swallow. I'm silent, desperately trying to push any thoughts of the possibility of Jason's having done what Diana accused him of deep down to where they can never resurface. But, the stress becomes too overwhelming and I drive to a parking lot. Once we park, I can see Jason raises an eyebrow at me through my peripheral vision. I look down at my feet then sigh. My eyes meet his, water building up in them but then vanishing after a few blinks. "Jason, it's okay if you did you know? We can help," I say. Jason's eyes bulge. "I said I didn't do it!" "Do you have any proof?" "Well . . . no." "Jason, even if you were dating it's still not an excuse. And if you did do it, we would understand. We'd be there for you and make sure this never happens again," I state. "Jason, I'm going to ask you again. Did you do it?" He's hesitant and looks down. "You can trust me. Okay?" I assure. Jason nods and looks up. "No. I didn't do it." My head mindlessly bobs up and down. I think I'm nodding. "Okay."


      My stomach roars, promoting Tris to laugh. She sets her keys down as we enter the apartment. "Um, well we just got back and I'm a little tired, so that rules out cooking. Don't wanna go back to the car when we just got off so . . . . Chinese takeout? I can order on the phone," Tris suggests. "Oh! I haven't had Chinese food in years! Yes, let's do it!" I cheer, making Tris laugh some more.

      "That'll be $20.79," the delivery boy explains. Tris retrieves her wallet and pays. I'm practically levitating due to the fact I'm jumping with joy. The last time I had Chinese food was when I was nine. "So," Tris begins as she carries the food to the living room where we were watching TV, "why haven't you had Chinese food in years?" "Well, when Chris would babysit me she ordered it a lot because she's not a very good chef. I mean, Gordon Ramsey would roast her to a crisp. Because of that, Chinese food was a delicacy. But when Dad got more time on his hands and had no use for a babysitter, it went to him cooking most of the meals and since he isn't a huge fan of Chinese food, which I still maintain makes him inhuman, if we ever did eat out or order something it wasn't Chinese food," I explain. Tris thinks this over for a while as I chow down on my chow mein. Mmmm. Sweet, sweet, relief. "How can your father not like Chinese food?" Tris questions, baffled. Her eyebrows arch downwards. "I know! Like, are you even human??" Tris laughs. "Well, in his defense, he is half human," Tris points out. "Yeah . . . . um, Tris? Can I ask you something?" She smiles and nods. "Sure." "You're okay with this? With my Dad being, . . . well, you know. You're okay with it?" She bites her lip and sets her chopsticks down. "Honestly, yes it came as a huge surprise at first. I got scared and so I left. But at the end of the day, your father is your father. He's kind, intelligent, honest, brave, and selfless. Being a werewolf doesn't change that. In fact, it gives him a little something extra. Makes him more unique. And so yes, I'm fine with it," Tris answers. I smile. "Oh, and it's 'lycan' not 'werewolf'," I correct. She groans. "Ugh! I've got to remember that." She continues eating.

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