The Girl in the Red Dress

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      "Alright, and that's the end of the tour. Now remember, to everyone here I'm Amber Daniels, hence the red hair and green eyes. So don't call me Tris, okay?" I remind. He nods. "Yeah, yeah. Got it, Amber," he responds. "Thank you." With that, I get to work. Mrs. Figueroa walks in, or more accurately, stomps in. "Amber, there you are! Here." She practically throws a crumpled piece of paper at me. Jason, who is sitting diagonal to me, catches it, proving how bad Mrs. Fig's aim is. He quickly hands it to me and I mouth him a thank you. "Um, what is this?" I ask, eyes exploring the words written upon the wrinkled paper. "Fire them." She enters her office and slams the door, not casting a glance at me. A sigh absconds from my lips. "Fun. Alright, now Jason, you can go to the bathroom at any time. Especially when I fire people, because that can get ugly," I inform him. He raises an eyebrow. "Isn't the boss supposed to do that?" Jason questions. "Yeah," I answer and pick up the company phone. "Bruce Wilker, please enter my office. Bruce Wilker."

      After an hour, eleven people have been laid off, one screaming in a foreign language at me for 20 minutes. "You chose a very interesting occupation," Jason remarks, prompting me to chuckle. "Knock, knock, knock." I look up. Diana is knocking on my door! She glares at me impatiently, and is aglow in her red sequin dress (courtesy of Fadiso). "Open up, plebeian!" Like mother, like daughter. Smiling at her, I press the button that unlocks my door.


A girl wearing a red sequin dress, probably a year older than I, walks in. She nestles a honey - colored bunny who has a purple flower in its ear. Her high heels are blood red, and makeup stunning. Isn't she too young for this? It's then she notices me. "Plebeian, who is this?" she barks, head pointed in my direction. "Um, Jason," Tris answers. "Wanna see something cool?" I ask her. She nods, expression as joyful as Snape's. "I can talk! Amazing, right? You can ask me a question, and I'll respond! Cool, right?" I sarcastically say. Her eyes roll so hard, it's a wonder the retinas didn't detach, and she faces Tris. "Plebeian, watch your dog. Else we'll have to put it down. And I'm sure it wouldn't want that, would it? Here, let me say it again so he understands." She turns towards me right now. "Who's a bad boy? You are! Aww, ugly doggy be quiet or be taken to pound. Understand?" Anger boils inside me like a witch's stew. "Make like your bunny, and go back to being useless," I retort. "Jason!" Tris exclaims. Red dress raises her hand at Tris. "Quiet, Plebeian. The adults are talking." Tris looks at me. Destroy her, she mouths. I grin. "Look, I know you wanna stand up and seem cool. Trust me, my bunny poops out better things than your lame*ss 1777 comebacks." Red dress states. "You know, fun fact. God made the middle finger just for you." I reply. "Ugh, who let you out of your cage?" she scoffs. "If I wanted a b*tch, I would've bought a dog. Oh wait, I have one! And unlike you, my dog hasn't earned the biggest b*tch award. Congrats, you loser!" I cheer. "I would slap you, but that'd be considered animal abuse," she remarks. "You know, I don't know what makes you so stupid or your comebacks so bland, but it really works!" I state. "I would like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my *ss," she laughs. "If you're gonna be smart*ss, first be smart, otherwise you're just an *ss," I inform her. "I bet you were up all night trying to make that one," she says. Now, I'm starting to get fed up with this b*tch. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?" I ask. She begins heading in my direction. "I'm busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?" she inquires. "Somewhere out there, there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen so that you can breathe. I believe you owe that tree an apology," I tell her. Her brows arch downwards in fury and her peach face morphs into tomato red. "Enough!" she yells and stomps her foot. "Plebeian, inform my mother I'm here!" Sighing, Tris turns off her phone and does as told. Was she recording us? Hope so. The door next to us opens and she stomps away, slamming the door behind her. Tris lays her head in between her arms and laughs. After a minute, she looks up. "You are definitely coming back tomorrow!"

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