Don't Forget to Stay Safe

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Out of frustration, I swing the door open and it bangs into the wall. Whoops. I suppress a gasp. Standing in front of me, a suitcase in hand, is Tris, smiling. She's here. Surreptitiously, I pinch myself to wake from this dream, for if I stay too long, I might never leave. Only, I don't wake up. This . . . this is not a dream. This is unlike a simulation; this is real. "Tris," I breathe, the same way I did when I woke up from the simulation, gun pointed at her head. "So, I gave it some thought and I decided that being a werewolf, it doesn't change who you truly are. You're still the same man who climbed the Ferris wheel with me, the same man who threw knives at my ear," I laugh a little at the second part. "The same man who tried to rescue me from Erudite, and the same man who climbed the wall with me. So what if you're a werewolf? You're still the same man I fell in love with. And because of that, I'm not leaving you," she confesses. "I love you," she says. Quicker than light, I pull her into a hug, face buried in her neck. She hugs me back. It's like a warm blanket has just enveloped me; joy showers me so much, I forget to correct her that it's "lycan" not "werewolf".

      We lay in bed, blankets wrapping us, hands intertwined, and lips entangled. She smiles and places a hand on the side of my face. "Tobias," she whispers. A smile etches onto my face. "Your phone's ringing," she says. Baffled, I raise my head and look at my phone. "Sh*t, it is," I say and get it. "Hello?" I ask and exit the bedroom.


Tobias leaves to answer his phone, and out of boredom, I run my hand through my hair. Sighing, I get up and saunter to the kitchen, planning on a date with a slow - baked salmon.

After around 30 minutes, Tobias enters the kitchen and leans on the counter. "So," I begin, while mixing the oil, thyme, and lemon zest in a small bowl. "I didn't just come here to kiss and makeup." "Well, then what's the other reason you came back?" he inquires, amused. "I wanted to ask you something," I reply, eyes trained on the bowl. "Ask me what?" Tobias questions. Finished, I meander over to him and rest my elbows on the opposite side of the counter. "I want you to come to California with me."


"Move to - to California?" I stutter, shocked. "I know, I know it's a big leap. But at least come for the summer. I mean, think how awesome it would be!" she exclaims. A sigh escapes from my lips. "I don't know. I - I have to do what's best for my kid," I answer, unsure. She smiles. "Of course, I understand. But I'll need an answer soon," she replies and returns to cooking.


      "Beat ya!" I exclaim, pumping my fist in the air. Tyler rolls his eyes. "Whatever," he states. I set my controller down. "So, how are things with Clary?" I ask. I make a concerned face and speak in a baby voice. "Being safe?" He hits my arm, prompting laughter to flow from me. "We're just friends," he assures. "That's how it always starts," I remind him. Now he places his controller on the floor. Tyler gets up and turns around, reaching for his cup of soda on the table. I join him. "So, seriously. What's going on with you two? I saw her kiss your cheek. And you had a sleepover. Something has to have happened between you two since then," I continue. "Okay, first of all, it was not a sleepover," Tyler defends. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I say. "And nothing has happened! You need to drop it. Seriously, this is getting annoying," Tyler avows. "You know I can't do that. But, I will drop it until the next huge piece of evidence that you're dating her pops up," I promise. Tyler sighs. "Good enough. Now, can we get back to the game?" I nod. "Sure."


I gently set down a slow - baked salmon in front of Tobias and retrieve mine before pulling up a seat. "You know, we always seem to eat at the counter," I notice. He smiles. "Yeah. Little known fact, the dining table is actually just a piece of furniture I accidentally bought. The store wouldn't take it back, so it's basically like a vase, except less useful," he jokes. I laugh. "Um, who called you?" "Oh that, that was Evelyn. She needs me to come over to discuss some ideas for the future of the US," he answers. "When do you leave?" "After lunch." I smile. "Great."

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