Knock, Knock, Knock

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I gasped. "Jason?" His smile grows bigger. "Hey, Tris. What's up?" I blink once. Then twice. Now three times. "What are you doing here?" I ask, turning fully around to face him. He shrugs. "I was told there was free food and free wifi here, so yeah. Thought I might visit," he quips. I roll my eyes and pat the seat next to me. He ambles up to the couch and plops down beside me. "Does your father know where you are?" I ask. He nods. Sighing, I pass the popcorn bowl to him and he scarfs the popcorn down. Kianna sits down in the sofa chair diagonal to us, bag of chips carefully guarded in her hands. Minutes pass and we watch the Tv in silence. Finally, I sigh and turn it off, earning a pouty face from Kianna. "What do you want to do today?" I ask Jason. He laughs. "I don't know," he says. "We could go to an amusement park," Kianna suggests. I nodded. "That is an idea. What do you think, Jason? Wanna go?" I asked. "Sure, yeah! Of course!" he exclaimed, excitement plastered across his face.

"That is the last time I go on flying scooters ever!" I say, stumbling out of the ride to the trash can, nausea overwhelming me. "Baby," Kianna joked. "That was awesome! I wanna do it again!" Jason yells, practically jumping up and down. I shake my head, dizziness digging its nails into me after that move. "No. Let's go on a fast roller coaster instead," I suggest. Jason shrugs. "Okay."

"Cotton candy after lunch? Am I in heaven?" Jason asks, sighing. I giggle and pay. Kianna buys another deep fried butter stick which I won't even bring to my lips because of how disgusting that sounds, and with my second hot dog in hand, we go to a bench and sit down. I retrieve the cups of lemonade and set them down around us. As I'm about to eat, my phone rings. "You guys go ahead, I have to take this." Trotting away from them and to an old oak tree, I press answer without looking at the caller ID. "Tris?" a voice asked. Tobias! My finger itched to slam into the "end call" button. "Before you hang up, just listen to me," he pleaded. Is he psychic or something? "I need your help, please." "Give me one reason as to why I'd help you," I barked. "It's about Jason." I froze, which he took as his que to go on. He was talking so frantically and fast, I missed bits and pieces of what he said. "Jasongone . . . lastnight . . . airlinetickets . . . California . . . you . . . keephim?!" I blinked. "Let me get this straight. Jason ran away to California?" I repeated, slowly. "Yes, yes, yes!" he quickly answered, anxious. "He's going to you. When he gets there, can you keep him until I arrive?!" I blinked again. "Uhhhhhhhhh, suuuuuuuuure. Okaaaaayyyyyy then," I answered. "I just wish I knew what he's doing right now," Tobias admitted. I gulped and looked at Jason. "He's currently drinking lemonade and chatting with Kianna," I said. "Wait, how do you know?" another voice questioned. Christina! I'm probably on speakerphone. "Because he came to my house two hours ago?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. The sound of something harshly swerving punctured my ears. It was loud and painful. "Tobias! What the hell?! You trying to make Jason an orphan?!" Christina barked. "Keep him with you! We'll be there soon!" Tobias yelled. With that, he hung up.

I stormed off to the two, anger brewing inside of me. Jason raised an eyebrow once seeing me and Kianna laughed, stating I looked funny. "Do you want to explain to me why your father called me, frantic with worry?!" I shout. Jason cowers a little, not in fear, but in an "oh sh*t, I'm busted" way. Kianna, baffled, looked from me to Jason. "What?" Jason gulped. "Spill. Now," I ordered. "I may or may not have had Tyler track down your address then bought airplane tickets using my Dad's debit card and arrived at your apartment," Jason admitted. "Are you crazy?! Your father could sue us, or worse, ruin our careers!" Kianna shouts. Jason cowers a bit. "If you were my son, you would be sooooooooooo dead!" I growl. Jason's eyes retreat to the ground. Sighing, I sit back down. "Let's just enjoy the rest of the day before your father comes." "He's coming?" Jason gasps, eyes bulging. I nod. "Yeah, because he's a responsible parent," I reply. "Responsible enough to let his own child run away while he wallows in self - pity?" Jason retorts, eyes back on the floor. "Hey, that is enough!" I snap my fingers. "Do you have any idea what your father went through as a child? Do not act like he's an a**hole for being unaware of you running away. And your father does not do pity! Unlike you, he grew up in a house devoid of love," I snapped. He rolled his eyes and stood up, heading off into God knows where. "Jason, where are you going?" I called out. "To the flying scooters! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" he yelled. Sighing, I chased after him.

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