A Broken Constellation

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I pick up the pace, the treadmill matching my current speed. My feet gracefully land then swiftly depart it, unlike Zeke, who favors forcefully slamming his feet into the ground whilst running. In school, I was a part of the track team for two reasons. It was an excuse to evade Marcus and I was faster than all the kids at my school. I also have an endless endurance. Not to brag, although, Abraham from Candor was my nemesis, our speed nearly identical but me always the eventual victor. Even today, running comes naturally to me. It allows me to think or drown out my thoughts. It allows me to take a break from the world and push my body to the limits. Zeke interrupts my thoughts. "Yeah, yeah. I remember honest Abe." He groans a bit as he lifts his weights, each 250 pounds. He may not appear that strong, but lycans are naturally stronger than humans. We're currently at the gym. "Would you stop listening in on my thoughts?" I groan. He grins. "No. And it's not entirely my fault. You have the power to lock your mind, and you're better at it than anyone I know, but yet you always forget to do it." "So, in other words, because I don't lock my mind often it's my fault you listen to my thoughts?" I question, sprinting now. Zeke's grin rapidly widens. He lifts one weight up, then down. The other up, then down. "Yup," he goofily answers. I stop running for a second, grab his Powerade, open the cap, and throw the drink on him. He laughs and, dropping the weights, dances a little as if the Powerade is rain. I laugh and put the cap back on, then continue running. "Anyways, how's Jason?" "Why are you asking? You saw him last night," I reply. "Yeah. I also saw him with a mystery girl," Zeke points out. I roll my eyes. Of course Zeke would notice that. "Her name is Diana. Diana Figueroa." "Ooh. Diana Figueroa," Zeke draws out. Another eye roll from me. He laughs. "Come on, Tobias! Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something? Something . . . more?" "No, because they've been friends for a while now and nothing has happened." "You and Tris balanced an uneasy relationship of instructor and initiate for a few months before dating. Stranger things have happened, Tobias," Zeke reminds. "Fair enough. And, honestly yes, I wonder if their relationship could lead somewhere. But for now, they're friends, or at least to my knowledge, and that's enough."


      I pull away, breathless. For the last hour, all Diana and I have done is kiss in the printing room. Our relationship has just matured from friends to girlfriend and boyfriend. And honestly, I couldn't be happier. Our lips connect once more, and we are this perfect constellation in the sky. Together and far away from everyone and everything. She tastes sweet, like cherries. Wonder what I taste like, what flavor comes to her mind when kissing me. I wonder if this is what my father feels when kissing Tris, or if he feels something different. Something more? Does kissing feel different depending on the person, or is it all the same? I am not curious enough to find out, and so all my queries quietly fade away into a black hole of forgotten thoughts. I pull her closer, arms like a ribbon around a gift on her. She is gravity, the force that pulled the universe together. And the force that keeps me here, rather than having me float away towards the bright and fiery sun, destined to scorch anything that dares come near it to ash. She pulls away and rests her head in between my collarbone and neck. I can feel her smile.

      When dark bleeds into the sky, it is time to leave Diana. I bid her goodbye, kiss her on the cheek, and head over to Tris. Rather than draw a lot and have her amazed eyes stalk my every move, this time we sat and whispered to each other. What we talked about I hardly recall, just details about our life, each other, some secrets, and more. On the ride home, I smile to myself and allow my eyes to hike with the stars into the dark night. Today's events have put me in a romantic trance, one that I doubt I will be cured of soon. "You're awful quiet and awful happy. Something good happen?" Tris asks. I chuckle. "Yeah. Something."

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