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"Who the hell would do that, Erza?" Gray said as he held his warm coffee in his hands.

"Loke was a player. He probably hooked up with a married woman." Erza replied.

"Everyone's dying, Erza. I might be next, you might be next." He held her hand, squeezing it slightly; He didn't want to loose her- not now, not ever.

"Hey, take it easy" Erza produced a soft smile which made Gray do as she asked.

"Lucy thought I killed Natsu. I saw Natsu that night, Erza, he was acting fishy but I was too drunk to notice"

"You can't blame yourself, Gray, be it in the right mind or under the influence of alcohol" She said, piercing through his cold blue eyes.

"Ehem" Wendy cleared her throat, catching the friends' attention.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Erza-san, Gray-san" Wendy said, a pinch of sorry mixing in her voice.

"but Lucy-san said she wanted to go ahead, Gray-san"

Gray placed his palm against his face, remembering how he offered to walk Lucy to her apartment earlier at Loke's burial. Gray was just so immersed in the moment he had with Erza; It made time stop.

In all honesty, Gray had always considered what he had with Erza as friendship. Nothing more, nothing less. But loosing his friends one by one after Natsu died made him realize how much Erza meant for him.

The warmth that spread across his cheeks, the pounding in his chest, the slight feeling of self-consciousness whenever he talked to Erza was surely new to him. It just didn't feel this way before when he was with her. But it did now, and it was okay.


"This, Cana, this is all my fault" Lucy slurred, slightly drunk.

"Lucy you never drink alcohol, stop it" Cana said, scolding her friend.

"That was before everyone started dying, Cana. I mean, come on." She held her bottle of booze tightly with her frail cold hands.

Drawing his key, Lucy said "Gate of the lions, I open thee: Loke!"

She said those words again and again but to no avail. The words comforted her as much as how it hurt.

Loke was one of the few good things Lucy had. It was rare, the relationship between spirit and key holder like Loke and Lucy's.

"Gate off theee l-lioon-ns, I-"

"Give me that," Cana snatched the booze off her hands. "you had just about enough. I am not gonna allow you to loose yourself like that"

Out of nowhere, Lucy laughed as if there was an inaudible joke only she could hear.

"Natsu f*cking died, Cana then Romeo and then Loke. F*cking Loke"

"Shhhhhhh, I know, I know" Cana said, hugging Lucy from behind.

"Hey, you need to move on Lucy. I know they'd want you to." She said, tucking the stray locks of hair behind her ear.

"You're young, powerful and strong" Cana said, looking into the blonde's perfect chestnut eyes, her eyelashes shadowed them perfectly.

There was a comfortable silence between the two, that was until Lucy decided to break it.

"There is no moving on from this Cana. I'm new to Fairy Tail, Cana, and yet I'm struggling. Shouldn't you be too?!?!"

"I'm setting things right" Lucy said before storming out from her apartment leaving Cana.

She walked briskly to the town park, where he was watching the lake or whatever sh*t he felt like doing.

She grew angrier by the second, and angrier when she got to the Town Park.

She saw him there, by the bench where all sin started. She walked over to him furiously.

"You," She said, pointing at him.

He looked into her big brown eyes and felt the sin begin again.

He wove his fingers through his long black hair, trying to analyze the situation.

"I'm setting things straight, Gajeel"

"You shouldn't be here, Heartfilia" He said.

"This wouldn't of happened if we didn't-"

"Shut up, Lucy. Today is not the goddamn day for this bullsh*t"

"Loke is dead, Gajeel and you're saying it's not the time?!!? What if Natsu committed suicide because he knew?!"

"This," Lucy stepped closer to him, pushing her index finger strongly against his large chest. "wouldn't of happened if you weren't drunk and f*cking desperate"

His hard masculine face softened as a teardrop came rolling out of his eye. "Maybe," his voice broke "all this wouldn't of happened if you weren't such a needy little girl!!!"

"I was drunk that night and that asshole, Natsu was away for a mission. You came up to me, Lucy, because you were so damn needy!!! Maybe that's why Natsu is dead in the first place, because he was busy and you wanted attention. Well, f*ckyou"

"After I slept with you for that one f*cking mistake of a night I begged that we shouldn't do it again, but you said you'd tell Levy if we didn't so I had to because that is how much I love her, Lucy!!!" Gajeel said, full of anger and regret before he walked away from the helpless blonde.

"G-Gajeel and Lucy are-?!"

"Lower your voice, Gray!" Erza scolded as she tried her best to stay hidden behind the group of trees together with Gray.

"I can't believe Lucy would- it's not like her, you know" Gray said in a softer tone.

"I remember that month, Gray. It was before Gildarts came. Natsu kept on getting mission requests and he'd have to leave Lucy behind."

"She must've missed him so much that she needed someone else. She missed him so much that she'd resort to her bestfriend's drunk boyfriend" Erza said as if she were analyzing the whole situation.

"That makes sense but it's so unlike her, Erza"

"I think I know who the killer is!" Erza's eyes widened.


"It's Levy"


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