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Lucy's POV

At this point in time, the rest of the guild had already discovered the death of the light dragon slayer and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. The curse that has been sentenced to Fairy Tail had been sentenced to another guild as well and it shouldn't have been- no guild deserved this, most especially Sabertooth.

Yukino and I had a little chat yesterday but she couldn't stay that long so she had to go before night. Overall, I was really glad I had someone who understood me since me and her had so much in common.

I stood up from my stool and took an aimless stroll in the outskirts of Magnolia. It was only moments later when I had realized that the stroll I had took wasn't as aimless as I thought.

I sighed as I stood before Natsu's grave. I've never really visited him before considering the fact I didn't like acknowledging his death but here I am.

"Hey," I said to the stone that had the words 'Natsu Dragneel' etched unto it.

Maybe a part of me expected some sort of reply, or even a sign that Natsu was here with me but much to my dismay, there wasn't.

I spent hours talking to Natsu about Yukino and then about the most trivial things. It felt good to talk to him, even if he wasn't the form he used to be.

I looked at the stone once more. Natsu's lifeless body was lying right under this rock, and all I could do was stand on the earth that separated us.

My vision started becoming blurry. It seemed as though I was crying- I was.

I just wanted to know who did it. Who made this happen. No one deserved this, especially not Natsu. After all these months, I still wanted someone to blame. I wanted to take my anger on something. I needed an outlet.

For sure I wasn't the only one suffering from this. Hundreds of people all across the globe could be feeling what I was but why did it seem like I was alone. For God's sake, Yukino was here- she understood how I felt but it was different. It felt that I, only, was struggling- nobody else.

I had to get my game on. I had to know who killed him and this time, I won't be asking for help because I trusted everyone in Fairy Tail and literally anyone could've killed Natsu.

I could only trust myself.

I found myself back at the guild a few moments later. Anyone here was the killer.

"Mira," I called the devil in disguise. "Get me a shot" Her eyes widened. "You only drink when something is wrong Lucy. Is there?" The woman across the bar counter asked, her blue eyes flashing in concern.

"I just really need a shot Mira" I reiterated.

Mira didn't like seeing me like this but she also knew she couldn't fight me out of it.

She gave me a small glass, filled with liquor which in a few seconds I had emptied.

"Lucy, it hurts me to see you like this" She said.

"Then suffer with me, Strauss" I retorted. " and line me up with three more"

I really needed this. It helped me think with reason, it helped me think against feelings.

I had to divide the guild into those who liked Natsu and those who didn't. I considered the neutral ones as haters, cause no reason to love was a reason to hate.

Laxus, Freed, Juvia, Bickslow, Evergreen and Gajeel were the only ones I knew who didn't admire Natsu from up close but the killer had to someone who seemed like an ally, so I crossed the previously mentioned names out from my suspect list.

That left me with too much names but the prominent ones would have to be Erza, Mirajane, Cana,  Elfman, Gray, Levy, Wendy and Lisanna.

How could I observe them all at once?

An idea struck me. We could hang out again. We were a group after all. I guess we stopped hanging out after all this stuff went down and even if I suspected them of murder, it would be fun to hang out with them again.

I could get them to drink some booze and confess. I smiled at the thought of sweet victory.

"Hey, Mira" I said, surprising her after I had pretty much stayed silent the whole time I was thinking.

"Could you tell the gang that we should hang out tomorrow night at my place? Like a sleepover."

"I realized that the best way to cope was to be with the ones you love." I tried to say it as sincere as I could. I did love them and this gathering was about coping but it wasn't in the way it probably should be.

"I'll be sure to tell them," Mira smiled.

The night I had been waiting for had come rather slow, but it came.

Mira, Erza, Wendy, Cana, Gray, Juvia, Levy, and Gajeel were the first to come. Yes, it was a bit awkward how I still invited Gajeel to sleep over, but I had to do it since Levy would be suspicious and I wouldn't want to hurt her either.

After a while, Laxus, Elfman, Freed, Evergreen and Lisanna followed.

"Laxus the great lightning slayer who tried to overthrow his grandfather as master comes to a sleepover? So unlike him" Cana teased.

Laxus rolled his eyes as everybody else chuckled.

"What's wrong with Laxus coming over to a slumber party?" Freed frowned.

"She was joking, lighten up" Elfman said.

"It's time to bring out the booze!!!" Lisanna announced happily.

"I could've sworn I saw Cana's eyes sparkle" Evergreen joked and the rest of us laughed.

"Thanks for coming guys, I just really wanted us to relax after everything we've been through" I said, trying to see who tensed up so I could name him or her killer but everyone tensed up at the topic. I mentally sighed. This was harder than I thought.

Everyone here was a suspect but the killer was surely a good actor. I just had to put them under the right amount of pressure for them to fess up.

It was going to be one long night.

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