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Sex and love, they're completely different.

With love comes sex but sex can come entirely without love. That was the whole point of Gajeel, I assumed. It was pleasure without commitment. Lucy didn't love Gajeel, but she did love Levy.

Aside from the guilt she had for cheating on the person she loved, she hurt the person that cared for her the most.

Imagine having these sick thoughts every single damn day. You know you were wrong, but you couldn't travel back in time. As always, hindsight is 20/20.

I couldn't help but realize what a fool I was the other day. I blamed Levy for killing Natsu when she was the one that helped Lucy investigate in the first place. I felt so guilty.

"It's embarrassing to admit but I miss Natsu" Gray sighed next to me.

"I miss him too, but I don't quite miss paying for the damages he did when he's on mission" Laxus retorted. Gray chuckled bitterly. 

"Gray," He shifted his attention to me "I just blamed Levy for killing Natsu and I was wrong. I'm such a bad friend." I groaned as I ran my fingers through the locks of my red hair in a stressed manner.

"Hey, if it's bringing you down then apologize. Take some weight off your shoulders" Gray said and he was right but Levy was grieving at the moment so I quietly dismissed that idea for now.

I rubbed my temples. I was willing to think of anything just to keep my mind off the guilt.


I thought of the man beside me. Gray was.....cute? Yeah, Gray was cute. I liked his magic. I liked him.

However weird and wrong that was, I did take a liking in him. I don't know when but I just did.

I felt heat slowly creep unto my cheeks. I felt hot.

"Is it hot in here?" I said aloud, fanning myself to give myself ample breeze.

"No, it's just you" Gray said, smiling.

"What?" I was confused. Did he mean that I was hot? Was I sick?

"Nothing. Here" He magically produced ice cubes and placed it in my water.

I smiled thankfully. Having ice creation magic was surely convenient.

My thoughts were disrupted by the sudden brightness of the room; the guild doors were opened.

I turned my head around to see who entered and much to my surprise it was Sabertooth's Yukino.

Yukino seemed distressed. Her hair was a bit messy and she seemed restless. She walked with some sort of sadness.

L U C Y ' S  P O V

Much to my surprise, Yukino was walking towards me. Her steps seemed shaky, like something had just happened.

"Lucy, I- I had nowhere else to go. I didn't know what to do. You were the first person I could think of-"

"Why? Calm down. What happened?" Lucy cut her off.

"It's Sting, he..." Yukino closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "he was murdered"

I gasped. What?! Fairy Tail members were murdered one by one and now Sabertooth?!

"Yukino, I'm so sorry to hear that" I said. Sting, we weren't really close but I surely was a fan of his magic. I just couldn't believe how strong the murderer was to be able to kill such a renowned dragon slayer.

Yukino then started crying. I placed my hand on her back and rubbed it in an up down motion in pursuit to calm her down.

"Hey, let's talk outside" I said.

I took Yukino to a bench that overlooked the lake. She sat next to me and had apparently calmed down.

"Why us? Why did we have to loose them?" Yukino said in deep thought.

"The world is pretty unfair" I said in return.

"Don't you miss him?" Yukino asked.

"I do. Every damn day"

We both sighed.

"Who do you think killed Natsu?" Yukino asked.

"When he had just passed, I blamed everyone- and I had enough of the blaming. The truth will come to light soon."

"I want to blame someone, I really do but I just can't think of anyone from Sabertooth who would do that"

"Maybe the killer isn't from Sabertooth"

"What are you implying?" Yukino kinked a brow.

"Maybe the person who killed Sting was the person who killed Natsu" I felt.


Honestly I didn't know why the two dragon slayers had such cruel fates but again, they were dragon slayers- two of the best and I knew that a lot of people would want the pleasure of killing them.

"Thanks for being here for me Lucy, it really means a lot. It must've been really hard for you since Natsu was one of the first victims and no one really understood you. I'm glad I have you to understand me, Lucy."

Her sudden appreciation made me smile. Someone understood my pain too.

T I M E  OF  S T I N G' S  D E A T H

"Hey there!" Sting greeted, surprised to see _______.

"What brings you here? at this time too?" Sting asks, wondering why ______ would be here at such an ungodly hour.


"Hey, I'm sorry about everything that's happened to you and you're guild.." Sting said apologetically, "You can chill here if you want, to get your mind off th-"

Before sting knew it, _______ was already silently chanting a spell which pierced a bullet straight through Sting's heart.

"Honestly, I didn't want to do this, Sting, I'm sorry but I had to." ______ managed to say before leaving the lifeless dragon slayer on the cold floors of Sabertooth.

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