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People change, as do things. What used to be here, is no longer.

A human without a heart, is it still human? If Fairy Tail has lost so much- too much, is it still Fairy Tail? How does one continue being one after loosing one of it's most vital parts?

It's like a car without wheels, a book without pages, a pen with no ink. What's the point?

What used to be deafening noise in the guild turned to deafening silence, we still talked of course but it wasn't the same- nothing was.

Lucy cupped her hands around her cup of coffee, asking for warmth.

Lucy was at the guild bar, sipping on coffee. It was cold outside, and as much as she was trying to avoid the guild, Mira still made great coffee.

"Hey, Lu-chan" Her best friend, Levy, greeted.

Lucy felt her heart break. Lucy wanted to tell her so bad, she was so damn guilty. She would give everything just to turn back time.

"Hey" Lucy smiled, like guilt wasn't keeping her awake at night.

Levy took the seat beside her's and ordered coffee too.

"So how's it going? Down there?" Levy asked.

"Down where?" Lucy asked in return, quite puzzled.

"Down here" Levy pushed her index finger at against Lucy's chest, where the heart should be.

Lucy sighed, her best friend- who she sinned against, just asked if she was okay.

"It's okay, but it's not fine"

Lucy wasn't sure if it was the guilt that bothered her every damn night or if it was regret- maybe it was both.

"Tell me your thoughts," Levy said, her coffee newly served.

"do you want to move on? Or do you want to....? What are you planning?"

"I want to know who killed him, Levy. I can't continue living in the past. All I ever think about is how I took it for granted, him being alive. I just want someone to blame. I want some weight off of my chest."

"Investigating. That, I can help you with." She said before bringing her cup closer to her lips.

"Well," Lucy stood up, "let's start?"


"Everybody loved Natsu, who could possibly hate him?" Lucy said as she walked along the pavement.

"Exactly, Natsu being loved by everyone. That's a motive." Levy knocked on Erza's door, waiting for the red head to open it.

"Come in"

"Okay, I brought my personal diary. I'll read for any fishy entries" Lucy plopped onto Erza's couch and started scanning through some pages.

"Hey," Levy took a seat across Erza and stretched her legs, trying to relax.

"Hey. Why dont we start with a killing motive?" Erza raised a brow, waiting for an answer.

"Natsu: The fire dragon slayer, loved by everyone. Jealousy I guess?"

"Has anybody showed signs of hating him?"

"if anybody wasn't a fan of Natsu, that would be Raijinshu" Lucy dropped her diary on the couch and stood up.

"That's right!" Levy furrowed her eyebrows and carressed her chin with her fingers as if in deep thought.

"Master would always talk about the damages caused by the guild, payments and debts- most of them because of Natsu, by the way" Erza chuckled as she said.

"That means Laxus would know 'em, Natsu's collateral damage" The bluenette said.

"Now that you said it, Laxus never spoke highly of Natsu. He'd always have sarcastic retorts and rude but true comments about Natsu"

"So we're saying Laxus killed Natsu for the guild's sake?"

"Probably. Fairy Tail has debts everywhere. Plus, we have a lot of members. It's a difficult guild to sustain"

"Girls," Lucy held both of her friends by the shoulder, "we can't just go suspecting Laxus like that okay? We need proof"

"You're right" Erza remarked.

"Why don't we wait for who gets killed next?" Lucy suggested.

"What?!" Levy and Erza said in unison.

"Someone's always dying. Don't all victims die for a reason? If Laxus has a connection then he's the guy" Lucy explained.

"The killings have died down though"

"Yeah, by three days!"

"After Loke was killed, there were a few days of peace, probably a week even. And then Jet died" Levy said with pain quite evident in her voice.

"Lucy's right. We'll have to wait for the next death" Erza said.



Healing, it's never easy but I had no idea it was this hard. Losing someone you loved wasn't the same as loosing your dad or your mom. When dad died, it hurt, really bad but it didn't hurt as much as when I lost Natsu.

Losing a parent, I always knew I'd live long enough to see them die. I grew up knowing it was eventually gonna come. But when I lost Natsu, it was like my whole world was being torn apart. I wasn't ready to loose the man I wanted to spend my whole life with. I planned a future with him, an entire lifetime. I never knew I'd live long enough to see him dead- No, I never knew he'd die too early for me to see it myself.

I loved him so much, despite the cheating. I didn't know how much he meant until I lost him. If I knew I was loosing him, I would've never cheat on him, and especially not with Gajeel.

You're never really thankful for what you have- not until you loose it.

We only notice how things go bad when we loose something, but we never really notice how thing go right when we have it.

He loved me too much and I loved him too late.

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