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"Lucy" I was awoken by a faint voice that called upon me; it was Cana's voice.

"Mmm? Cana? Do you know what time it is?" I asked with a husky voice. Clearly Cana was out of her mind. I mean why the fuck would she wake me up at this ungodly hour.

"Shut up titty patootie and follow my drunken ass" Cana scolded.

I did as she said. I followed her out the guild.

The cold harsh winds came slapping my skin. I shivered yet I continue.

"C-Cana, N-noo fucking way!!"

"I know- I didn't do this by the way!!!" Cana went all defensive mode.

"Juvia thought she was the only one to notice" Juvia said as she walked over to us.

"How were you awake? I mean I was kinda looking for booze...you?" Cana asked.

"Juvia......was stalking Gray-sama"

I let out a breathe of relief.

"We should call Levy and Erza. Let's investigate" I said to them.

Juvia nodded and immediately went inside the guild to get the two.

After a few minutes a blueheaded midget came outside together with a smoking hot redhead and a bluenette stalker.

"Shit" Levy said quite shocked.

"Shit indeed" Erza sighed.

"Who do you think did this, Lev?" Cana asked as she kneels before Romeo and examined his pulse.

"Yup dead" Cana confirms.

"Romeo liked Natsu a lot. He must've went investigating by himself. Maybe he finally knew and the killer killed him to save his or her ass" Levy said.

"Same theory here, Levy" Erza seconded.

"Juvia suggests a meeting later."

"Yeah, for now let's wait for the guild to wake up. Ask them some questions and umm someone tell Macao his son died" Cana said.

"I'll tell him. Mira didn't do a good job telling me Natsu died"

I didn't have a grudge but it was so sudden. I woke up to people being sorry for me, sorry for Natsu, sorry for Happy.

People die, I get it but I just hate the fact that some go without warning.

I've always preferred slow deaths, not that I prefer death at all but seeing someone die slowly kinda gets you prepared, like you know it's coming. Dying sick is better than falling off a cliff. Sickness consumes you slowly, you get enough time to bid farewell to those who you hold dear but falling off a cliff comes unexpectedly, it'll only be a matter of seconds before gravity and earth crush your soul.

But I've made bad choices; I'm a sick person. I won't require you to understand.


"I think Sabertooth did it" I said.

"They did hate Natsu" Levy stated.

"Everybody hated Natsu-san" Juvia confessed.

"True" Cana raised her cup.

"But we also loved him" Erza confessed.

"Juvia did as well"

"So what info did you guys get?"

"A few people weren't at the guild last night" Erza informed us.

"Well aside from Juvia who happened to stalk Gray and from Cana who happened to run out of booze there's Evergreen" Levy furrowed her eyebrows, as if she was in deep thought.

"Evergreen is capable of killing Natsu and Romeo."

"But why not dispose the body?"

"Evergreen is smart, she could've got rid of the evidence."

"Or she was actually careful enough not to have evidence at all."

"How do we know it's her?" Cana asked.

"We don't."


"He was my son. There wasn't a single evil bone in his body but what does he get? He gets this bullshit life. I-" Macao couldn't say anything anymore. His tears were rolling down his cheeks. Wakaba assisted Macao off stage.

It was a shame, what happened to Romeo. I wanted to say so many nice things about him, but I didn't know him at all.

It felt like Natsu's funeral all over again. I was here, feeling sorry, but I didn't know him. I was a stranger yet here I am, in his funeral as if we used to be roommates.

I looked at Evergreen. She didn't cry and she was out back with her usual squad.

Maybe she killed Natsu. Why not? Maybe she poisoned him and even laughed as he fell down. Maybe she put some kind of magic on him. Maybe she drowned him, smiling as he reaches for air.

My fists clenched. Nobody deserved this bullshit. I stood up and walked over to Laxus' minions.

"What's up Luce?" Bickslow greeted,tongue hanging out.

"What's up? Why weren't you at the guild Evergreen?"

Freed,Bickslow and Ever furrowed their eyes in unison.

"I'm not there because I'm here, attending the poor boy's funeral"

"Don't fuck with me. Where were you last night?"

Eyes were on me and Ever. This was outrageous behaviour even for me but this was an outrageous time.

In a flash, a sword was drawn against me. It was Freed's.

"Stop threatening Evergreen, Lucy."

"Why cause she's guilty?!"


I looked away, I was wrong and I was sorry.

"I just didn't want to tell you or anyone because you just lost Natsu, we all did. I was just trying to be sensitive"

Everyone was looking at me, probably gagging at my shallow mindedness but I couldn't deal with this shit. Not anymore.

So I decided to follow Natsu, wherever he is.


Hola, mi amigos.

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