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~Beverly's POV~

"Hi, honey..." I said, putting my hand on Bill's gravestone.

"You know... It's been a long time since I don't hear your voice, I'd pay to see your smile now, I love you and I miss you so much, you will never be forgotten, my hero..." I said, putting some flowers on the gravestone.

"And hey... Today we will revenge you and Mike." I said, wiping off the tears. "Richie, Stan and Ben are alive, and I met someone today, his name's Eddie, He'll take me to your killer..."

~Meanwhile, back to Eddie's POV~

I arrived at the bar where Beverly worked, and for my surprise, actually not that much, that mysterious man was there again. I don't know why but I took the courage to galk to him.

"Martin Brenner here? What are you doing, man?"

"Well, you know... Hopper sent me here. He wants some information about the wall."

"Interesting, did you get something?" I said.

"No, nothing. It would be better working in my Lab, have you heard about it?"


"It's in Hawkins, I already have a lot of projects in my mind." He said.

"Sounds good."

"And you, what are you doing here?"

"Investigation, Richard Tozier's death. He used to work with us, remember him?"

"He's dead?! Oh my God... He was such a good guy, very smart and helpful."

"Yeah, right? A good guy like him should not have any enemies. " I said. "And... I believe this bar owner, is suspicious, Nathan Brandon, have you heard about him?"

"Ummm... No..." He said, almost stuttering.

"Okay then, good luck with the information, Brenner."

"You too." He said.

I quickly got in the car and rushed to the cemetery, Beverly was already near the gate.

"Bev!" I said, horning.

She waved, crossed the street and got in the car.

"So... feeling better?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Let's go, we need to go to the hotel room, hurry."

"Okay, why?"

"The killer is here, I found him near the bar, he was the gray hair and scar guy, I asked about you boss and he started stuttering. I'm really sure it's him!"

"Then why didn't you just killed him?!"

"Well..." I said, smiling

"His death have to be slow... and painful..."

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