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A/N: Alright, so, last chapter was like a Stanley's POV of the book's beginning, or it could be how he met "Eleven." Now, let's get back to the present, with Eddie's POV, however, Richie, Ben and Beverly are still in the hotel.

The Dark Room.

Now I could see why people were so afraid of that. Stanley and I were looking at Brenner, he was being interrogated by Hopper.

"I wonder why he did this..." Stan muttered.


"Brenner, I wonder what was the reason of all this. My friends' death, Beverly suffering... why?"

"Richie told me about a Lab, he said that Bill told him about it." I said.

"Wait... Some days before dying, Mike told me about this Lab too."

"Yeah, I know. I was talking to Beverly as he came back from the Cemetery back in Derry." I said. "She said she was talking to Bill, then suddenly, Brenner came in, killed him and kidnapped her, forcing her to work with him in this bar. He killed the owner, named Nathan Brandon and took his identity."

"If I were Hopper, I would shoot this bastard right in the head. After all he had done, we can't just interrogate him, people like him are not forgivable." Stan said.

"And don't you think I wouldn't do the same? He "killed" my boyfriend, thank God he survived but... what if he didn't?"

"Yeah... I wish everyone had survived." Stan said, looking down.

"I understand, man."

"It's bad, you know... Seeing your friends killer right in front of you, and you're not able to kill him."

"Actually you are but... You're not allowed... yet."

"Stan..." Eleven said, opening the door.

"Hey, Eleven." Stan said. "How are things back there?"

"Not that bad, Beverly is resting, Ben is still working on his gadgets and Richie... He is trying to call Eddie for a long time." Eleven said, handing me the phone. "You should talk to him, say that you're fine. Besides, he could be this guy killer..." She said, pointing at Brenner. "Payback..." She whispered.

"Okay, I'll call him, thanks Eleven." I said, getting out of the room.

~Stanley POV~

"So, how are things here?" Eleven asked, approaching Stanley.

"Nothing so violent... He's just asking questions like: "why did you do this" or "oh, I can't believe it was you this whole time.""

"Ah c'mon..."

"Yeah, it's boring." I said. "But at least, we found the killer."

"Stan..." Eleven said.


"I'm leaving... Probably for a very long time."

"What... Umm... Ok... It's... Okay. Why?" I said.

"Remember my... Peculiarities?" She whispered.


"So, it attacked me... My nose keeps bleeding."

"Where is it?"

"I can't tell you..." She said, approaching me. "But thanks for everything, Stanley, I owe you..."

"What are doing?" I said

She kissed my cheek and said. "Goodbye, Stanley."

"Bye, Eleven... Good luck out there."

"Thank you."

And I just saw her leaving, I admit that my face went red after she kissed, I really liked her. But since it was her choice, I respected.

~Eddie's POV~

"Okay, babe... Goodbye. Love ya" I said, turning  off the phone.

I saw Stanley looking at the front door with a sad face.

"Hey..." I said, approaching him. "What happened... She left, huh?"

"Yes, it's a long story, I'll explain later." Stan said.

"I called Richie, they'll be here soon."


We returned to the Dark Room, now Hopper was punching Brenner, looks like now he was answering.

"Oh, finally some action here." Stan said, smiling.

"Yes." I said. "Looks like Hopper ran out of patience."

"At last. Go Hopper!" Stan said

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