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Richie's POV (while Eddie and Brenner where talking.)

I was looking at the window when I saw Eddie talking to a strange man. The weird thing is, I remember him from somewhere.

I continued to see they talking, then Eddie just ran to the car and got out, something was wrong, suddenly he started looking at the hotel that we were in, and quickly I hid.

I returned to where the boys were with a not so good face.

"What happened, Richie?" Stan asked. "You look shocked."

"I think I just saw... Eddie with... Brenner..." I said. "And then, Eddie ran away and suddenly he started lookibg at this hotel. We better be ready, he may be coming."

"Nah, that's not a problem..." Ben said. Showing a package. "Gadgets, gentlemen... Fresh gadgets..."

"Oh, so that's why you were carrying a big backpack..." Stan said.

"Yeah, ummm... Stanley, remember when I tould about my work?" Ben said.

"Yes, literature teacher. Why?"

"Ding ding, wrong answer, guess who made these beautiful toys?"

"Y-you?" I said.

"Ding ding ding, and we habe a winner." Ben said, opening the package and starting to show the gadgets.

"Here's the first one, Voice Changer."

"What?" Stan said, frowning.

"You can change your voice with this, just putting here in your toungue, and it automatically gets invisible, just you can see it." Ben said, with a different voice. "You habe boice options... Woman, young and old... Man, young and old... " He said, changing the voices.

"Wow, this is... Cool." I said.

"Yeah..." Stan said.

"We have this one... The hologram face. Here's how it works: you put it on your forehead, and it calculates your face, you can... Add a mustache, beard, makeup, everything... Even scars, and sunglasses."

"Dammit, I'm feeling like I'm Tony Stark's friend." Stan said.

"Same." I said.

The phone rang, and Stanley answered at it.

"Guys..." He whispered. "It's the room service, they say they have a visitor, probably is Brenner!"

"Tell them to wait." I said. "Ben, you know your toys?" I muttered.


"Bring it on." I said. "Here's the plan, you hide and call Eddie, and tell him to wait. Okay?"

"Okay." Both of them agreed.

"Come in" I said, with the different voice.

"Oh, good afternoon, sir..."

"Garret. Johnathan Garret" I said.

"Oh ummm... Sorry for disturbing, we are looking for Edward Kaspbrack. He's usually in this room."

"Oh no problem. I know him, I tell him about you." I said. "And your name is?"

"Brenner, Martin Brenner."

"May I ask you something? How do you know he's in this room?" I said, realizing his mood changing. "Nothing bad, it's just... Curiosity."

"They informed me. Said that it was this room." He said. "But I think they informed the wrong number, and again... Sorry for disturbing."

"No problem, Brenner. Have a good day" I said, closing the door.

"Phew! That was close." I whispered.

"Richie, I called him, he's in the cemetery, with Beverly. They will soon show up here." Ben said.

"Thanks, Ben." I said, taking off the voice changer.

"He's still on. Wanna talk to him?"

"Yes, I think." I said, picking the phone. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, honey. Ben told me about what happened... So... Was it him?"

"Yeah, he had a gray hair, scar, and Brenner." I whispered.

"Great, now we have enough proofs to arrest him."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course not! I wanna kill that bastard!"

"Hell yeah, that's my boy." I said.

"Okay, I gotta go now, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

"Okay babe."

"And Richie. Tell Stanley to start the plan, and listen... Whatever happens...

I love you." Eddie said.

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