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A few weeks have come and gone and I was happy. Bruno and I have been hanging out together almost every day and he's taken me out in dates too. We were having so much fun together it was crazy.
Right now I was sitting in the recording studio working on my latest song. It's called Dangerous Woman.

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)

The music stopped and I took the headphones off. "How'd that sound Billy?" I asked the studio manager? He was helping me record my song along with Bruno and some of his band. They just got done recording so they came to watch me and hang out.
"It was great. That's gonna be a hit." he said.
I squealed and clapped my hands. I was so excited. I could see all the guys laughing at me which only made me laugh. I walked out of the booth and sat down by Bruno. He put his arm around me and kissed my head. We had become really close but we weren't officially together yet. I didn't really know what we were. I mean he had a lot going on with promoting his new album and he was gonna be touring soon so we wanted to make sure that when we actually start our relationship we had time to be together. At least that's what I gathered from it all.
"That sounded really good babe." he said. And it was things like that, that threw me off about us.
"Thanks." I said smiling at him.


Bruno and I had gone back to his place to hang out for a bit. I loved hanging out with Bruno. I even loved our hour long make out sessions too. It was just absolutely amazing. He was a great kisser.
"So how'd you like my song earlier?" I asked.
"I think your song is absolutely great. You're very talented."
"I know." I said. I had to ask him. I needed to know what we were. What he thought we were. "Bruno, I need to ask you something."
"What's up?"
"I don't wanna make any assumptions about what we're doing but I just need to know what we are at this point. I mean are we together or what?"
"Well I thought we kind of just casually went into it. I mean I consider you my girlfriend. The guys refer to you as my girlfriend. I thought it was obvious." he said.
"Oh." I chuckled. "Is it bad that I didn't really notice?"
He laughed. "Maybe a little." he said. "If you're waiting for me to do this the formal way then don't wait any longer." He got on his knees on the floor right in front of me and grabbed my hands in his. "Katie." he said. I chuckled. "Stop laughing this is supposed to be a serious moment." he said chuckling.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Katie. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.
"Eh. I'll have to think about it." I said casually.
"What?" he asked.
"I'm joking." I laughed. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend."
"Oh you little jokester. Come here you." he said laying me down and climbing on top of me. He pressed his lips to mine and I immediately just got so lost in him like I did every time. Our hour long make out session turned into going all the way though. And damn was he never better at anything in his whole life except for this.


I sat at home with a smile on my face. Last night was the first night Bruno and I had slept together and I was feeling more than happy. The fact that we had waited so long made it even more satisfying even though it was only about a month that we waited.
My phone rang beside me and I looked at it. Roman. He's been calling every day trying to talk to me. I was wondering when he was gonna get the hint. I didn't answer it and then it was followed by the doorbell. I sighed and rolled my eyes while walking to the door. "Roman you have to get the hint...." I was cut off when I opened the door. Two people I didn't expect to darken my doorway again were now standing in front of me with smiles on their faces. "Well, well. If it isn't Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. I didn't think you remembered me." I said.
"Ha ha. Very funny. You gonna leave us sitting out here or are you gonna invite us in?" Seth asked.
"That depends. Are you here about your dear friend Roman?" I asked.
"No." they said together.
"Good. Come on in." I said. They walked in the house and I hugged them both. "Oh I've missed you guys."
"We miss you too hun." Seth said.
"Yeah. I miss the girl that tried to out drink me." Dean said.
"I did out drink you Ambrose." I said. "You just don't wanna admit it."
"Yeah. Yeah."
"So how's the music coming?" Seth asked.
"Good. You know, I hit a block there for a few months after Roman and I broke up but I finally got it back." I said.
"Good." He said. "Look, I know what Roman did to you and we were pretty pissed off at him for a while because of it. But I guess the reason why we came here was to let you know that we aren't gonna choose between the two of you. You know? I mean you're our girl but Romans been our boy for a long time."
"Seth, look, I'm not gonna make you choose because that's not fair. I'm not that kind of person. You don't have anything to worry about. You guys are two of my very best friends. I wouldn't do that to you." I said.
"Good. Now he won't ask but I'm gonna. There's a party tonight for the company and even though you don't wanna be around Roman right now it would really mean a lot to us if you would come. Like old times. Please?" Dean asked.
"I don't know guys." I said. "Can I bring someone?"
"Yeah. Anyone." He said.
"Okay. I'll be there." I said.
Bruno Mars get ready to go to a pretty wild party.


I got ready for the party that Bruno reluctantly agreed to go to. I had to be honest with him about what party it was and he didn't like the idea of being around my ex but he also knew that I wasn't going for him. I would be happy if I didn't see him again. I was going for my other friends that I had because of Roman. That was the only good thing that came out of my relationship with Roman. Great friends. Ones I wouldn't have had otherwise.
Bruno picked me up at seven and we headed to this party. I was looking hot tonight. But I never went to a party without going all out. This time it was a short pink dress, pink heels, hair curled and makeup on fleek. It was perfect for when Bruno rolled up and knocked on my door. L
I walked out of the house to join Bruno on the front steps.
"Wow. I think we're gonna have to skip this thing and stay in. My girl's lookin sexy tonight." He said.
"Thanks. You're, uh, not looking so bad yourself there baby." I said. "You ready to go to this thing?"
"Not really."
"Look, I told you I'm not going for Roman. I'm going for my friends. It's gonna be fun."
"Alright. Let's go." he said.
We walked to the car and drove to the club.


Bruno and I pulled up in front of the club and walked in. I instantly found Seth and Dean but I wasn't gonna date go over there. They were sitting next to Roman. I was gonna avoid him for however long possible. I scanned the room and found Nikki and brie, the twins, instead. I grabbed brunos hand and pulled him a long with me to them.
"Alright. Who's idea was it to have a party without me?" I asked getting their attention.
Nikki turned around first and her jaw dropped. "Katie!" she said engulfing me in a hug. Brie hugged me next and then I stood in front of them with brunos hand around my waist.
"What are you doing here?" brie asked.
"Well Seth and Dean stopped by earlier and they wanted me to come so I did. And I brought my amazing boyfriend along. Nikki, brie this is bruno Mars. Babe, these are two of my best friends Nikki and brie."
Bruno shook their hands and we all talked for a little bit. Seth walked up to me with a smile on his face. "You made it." he said giving me a hug.
"I did. You didn't think I'd break my promise did you?" I asked.
"Not for a second." he said.
"Good. And while you're here I wanna introduce you to someone. Seth this is bruno, my boyfriend. Bruno this is another one of my best friends Seth Rollins."
"How you doin man?" Bruno asked shaking Seth's hand.
"Pretty good man. How about you?"
"Great with this gorgeous woman beside me." Bruno said.
"Yeah. She's definitely something else." He said. "I'm happy for you Katie."
"Thanks." I said. "He makes me happy."
"Good. Let's just keep it that way and we will be dandy."
"Oh don't worry about it man. I'd never do anything to hurt her." Bruno said.
I smiled and him and put my arms around his waist while his went around my shoulders.
"What's going on over here?" Dean asked. Following him was Roman. This was gonna get uncomfortable real fast.
"Just meeting Katie's new boyfriend." Seth said.
"Yeah." I said. I turned to Bruno. "Do you want a drink?"
"I'd love one." he said.
"Okay. I'll be back." I said. I gave him a quick kids and then walked up to the bar. "Two whiskeys neat." I told the bartender.
"So that's your boyfriend?" I turned my head to see Roman standing there.
"What's it to you?" I asked.
"If you're gonna be like this then why did you come?" he asked.
"I came for my friends. Not you." I said. I picked up the drinks the bartender put down and started walking away until Roman caught my arm.
"He's not good enough for you." he said.
"You have no idea what's good enough for me." I said. I carried on my way back to Bruno who had his eyes planted on me. I smiled at him and handed his drink over.
"Thanks baby." He kissed my cheek and smiled at me.
"No problem." I said.
We drank and danced for part of the night while the other part was spent trying to avoid Roman. Bruno was getting pretty pissed about how hard Roman was trying to get near me. I knew any minute he was gonna blow.
I pulled Bruno out to the dance floor as a distraction and 24k Magic came on. I smiled at him as I remembered that part of the first night we hung out. We started dancing together and I grinded on him again.
Once that song was over a slow song came on and we danced in circles while he sang to me softly. I loved it when he sang to me. He had such an amazing voice and it turned me on at times. This being one of those times.
I shut him up by putting my lips to his. He deepened the kiss by pulling me as close as he possibly could. We were getting lost in each other.
"Uh, could you get a room?" Nikki asked playfully as she walked by us.
I chuckled against brunos lips and pulled away.
"I think that can be arranged. Come on." He pulled me along with him to Seth's table where Roman was also sitting. "Hey guys. I hate to drag her away but, uh, we got some business at my place to attend to."
"I think that's code for someone's getting laid tonight." Dean said.
I smiled and shrugged. I glanced over at Roman who looked a little angry. Oh well.
"Goodnight guys." I said. "Seth and Dean thank you for inviting us tonight. Its been mostly fun." that was a dig at Roman.
"You're welcome. Goodnight!" Seth said.
Bruno eagerly pulled me away from the table with his hand gently in my back guiding me out of the building. Lets just say the club was fun but what happened at brunos place was even more fun.

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