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Oh gosh! The wedding!! Today was the day!!! I was finally gonna be Mrs. Katie Mars. It sounded funny but I was all for it if it meant that I would be with Bruno forever.
The girls stayed at mine and Bruno's place last night while Bruno stayed at Phil's. We weren't exactly the traditional couple but we were definitely doing most of this the traditional way. No seeing each other the day of the wedding until we were together at the alter. He wasn't allowed to see my dress when I bought it a couple months ago and no sex for that week until we were married. It was driving both of us crazy but it was worth it.
I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Andie, Chanel, Tejai, Nikki, Brie, Eva, Lily and Trinity were all in there pouring glasses of champagne.
"Look. She's awake. How do you feel?" Chanel asked.
"Excited. Anxious. Nervous. Ready to throw up." I said.
"Well this will help that." Andie handing me a glass.
"No way. You guys are not getting me wasted before my wedding." I said.
"Would we really do that?"
I have her a look that said 'uh, duh!'
"Okay. Maybe we would but we won't. We just wanna make a toast ." she said.
I took the glass and held it up.
"Here's to you and your wedding day. May your marriage be filled with happiness and lots of sex." Andie said.
All the girls chuckled. "Wow." I said. "That was so heart felt. I think I'm gonna cry now." I said sarcastically.
"Oh shut up. I'm just saying. If I had a man like that we would never see day light except through our bedroom window."
"Andie." I said. "Shut up." I took a sip of my champagne and then put it down. This was gonna be the longest day of my life but it was also gonna be the best.


We were at the venue now. Our white tent was set up in the distance but I could see everything set up for the ceremony and it was beautiful. I took a deep breath and turned around. My dress was hanging up since it wasn't time to put it on just yet. It was beautiful though. Long and flowing. A pretty long train and sleeves that were lace. It was gorgeous and definitely me.
"Knock. Knock." Seth said before walking into the tent. "Are you decent?"
"Yes." I smiled.
He walked in followed by Dean and Roman. I hugged each of them. "You look beautiful." Roman said.
I smiled at him. "Thank you."
"Yeah. I never thought but would take all of this stuff to make you look like such a princess but damn." Dean said.
"You know, I'm gonna think of that as a Dean Ambrose compliment." I said.
"Good. That's what it was supposed to be anyway." he said.
"So, you ready to become Mrs. Mars?" Seth asked.
"I'm ready but I have to admit that I'm nervous. I mean what if I'm not a good house wife? What if I mess things up? I can't take that kind of pressure." I said.
"Relax." Roman said. "You are a wonderful woman and I have no doubts that you're gonna be just fine."
"Thanks." I said.
"So we just came to see how you're doing and make sure you know that no matter who you marry you'll always be our girl." Seth said.
"Awe. That's so sweet Seth. I love you guys. You three may be the best of friends I could ever have. And I want you guys to know how much it means to me that you're here today. I don't think I could do all of this without you." I said.
"No problem. You hang in there. And we'll see you in a little bit." Dean said. He and Seth walked out but Roman stayed out.
"Listen, I wanted to give you something before everything got so chaotic. They're my letters." he said pulling out a ton of envelopes from a small black bag. They were the envelopes from Mia's grave. He handed them to me.
"Roman I can't take these. They're for Our daughter." I said.
"Of course you can. I want you to read them. Please. For me. Just do this." he said.
"Are you sure you want me to?"
"I'm absolutely sure."
I hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you for being here. It means a lot to me." I said.
"I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else." he said. "By the way I hope you don't mind but I invited Galina and she brought Joelle."
"No I don't mind at all. In fact if you're Okay with it I'd love to meet Joelle." I said.
"Of course. I'll make that happen." He said. "Its almost time. I'll get going so you can finish getting ready." he hugged me one more time before walking out of the tent.

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