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I woke up to the insatiable feeling of having to pee. This was what my mornings consisted of. Waking up with not one but two babies acting like my bladder was a trampoline. It was ridiculous. Not to mention I looked like I had swallowed two whole watermelons at this point. My back aches. My feet swelled up from time to time and they hurt. My stomach felt like it was stretched to the point of no return. I was gonna be so glad when I had these babies so I could go back to feeling normal again. Whatever normal was.
I waddled to the kitchen and grabbed a banana before sitting on the couch and turning the tv on to Netflix. I wanted to finish the fourth season of The Vampire Diaries before the day was over. Yes. I wanted to be lazy today. I think I was allowed that considering I had two humans growing wildly inside of me.
The couch sank beside me and I looked over. Bruno sat there groggily like he had the worst nights sleep ever.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm so tired." he said.
"Dude. Don't even. Okay? I have two babies who like to double team me throughout the entire night. Its hard for me to even get comfortable enough to sleep." I said.
He smiled at me. "I'm sorry." he said. "Is there anything you want for breakfast?"
"Hmm. Let me think. Oooo. I want a big cinnamon pancake with icing. That sounds so good."
"That does sound really good." He said. "You know, let's go out. I know a place where they make those and trust me the cooking staff will not disappoint."
"Okay. Just let me get dressed first. There is no way I'm going out in public with pajamas." I said. I got up and waddled to the bedroom before getting dressed into a pair of loose black sweatpants and a long grey short sleeve shirt. I slipped on my black flip flops and walked back out to Bruno.


We were on our way to the restaurant and I was excited. It wasn't too often that I wanted to go out anymore. I mean I was huge and I didn't wanna do anything other than sit at home and watch tv all day. Of course Bruno would drag me to the studio from time to time but those guys were practically family so I didn't ever care.
Bruno stopped at one of the lights and waited for it to turn green. "So what do you think...." my sentence was cut off by somebody ramming into the back of our car causing us to move forward and get bumped in the front of the car. My head bounced off of the window and everything went black instantly.



I held onto my head and looked over. Katie was unconscious. Shit! I got out of the car and ran over to her side trying to open the door. Nothing. It wouldn't budge.
"Dude. Are you okay?" someone asked running up to me.
"Yeah. I'm fine but my wife is stuck in here. I can't get the door open and she's not waking up. She's pregnant man." I said to him.
"I'll call 911." he said.
I kept trying desperately to get the door open but to no avail.
An ambulance showed up with a fire truck. It was the jaws of life. Oh god! I really hope she and the babies were okay. I don't think I could lose them and I know it would break katies heart if she lost another baby let alone two. This was a nightmare.


We got to the hospital and Katie had regained consciousness. She was screaming and crying. I knew this brought back an awful memory for her and I hoped for a better outcome.
Nurses rushed her to the operating room and I followed. I didn't catch what they said But apparently something was wrong with the placenta and they had to take the babies out quickly.
They got me suited up and I took my place by katies head. She had tears rolling down her face so I took her hand.
"Everything is gonna be alright. Our babies are gonna be alright." I said. She didn't say anything. She just looked at me and let the tears fall.


It seemed like we had been in the operating room forever but it was only twenty minutes. I kept looking at Katie and giving her a little smile. I opened my mouth to tell her that I loved her but I was cut off by the glorious sound of a baby crying. I looked at the baby. "There's the boy." the doctor said. About five minutes later another cry filled the room. "And there's the girl."
I looked at Katie and I could tell she was crying happy tears filled with relief.
"Our babies are here." I said. I looked over at them. "They're beautiful."
Two doctors brought the babies over and Katie got to see them. She was overjoyed. It was incredible. I would never get tired of seeing the three of them together.



I was wheeled into a room once they stitched me up and I was out of recovery. I looked to my left and saw the most beautiful sight ever. Bruno holding two babies. One in each arm. I smiled at him when he looked up at me.
He got up and walked over to me. I reached out and took the first baby I could which just so happened to be the little boy. I looked at his face and tears just fell down my face. He was so beautiful and he looked just like Bruno. The dark skin. The dark hair which was also the same as mind but he just looked like a replica of Bruno.
Bruno sat down right next to me so I could see our little girl too. She looked exactly like her brother. Both of my babies looking like their father. I was in heaven.
"Oh my god! They're beautiful." I said.
"They are. And I think I have an idea of a name for this one." he said pointing to the girl. "How about Melina?"
"Melina Lynn." I said.
"Tyler James." he said.
This was crazy. I couldn't get over how beautiful my kids were. All of them. And they all looked like their fathers.


We got to go home a few days after the babies were born and I couldn't be happier. It was a blessing having my babies with me after the accident we had. I knew Mia had something to do with that. She was my guardian angel and boy I missed her every day. I wished she could be here to see her brother and sister. She would have loved them.
Right now Bruno and I were sitting on the couch together holding the babies. I had Tyler and he had Melina. We just couldn't get over how precious they were.
The doorbell rang and Bruno got up to open it. My mom walked in and immediately started fawning over Melina. She took her from Bruno and walked over to sit by me and dawned over Tyler too.
"Oh goodness. They're so beautiful. Bruno they look just like you. You guys make some beautiful babies." she said.
"Thanks." Bruno said.
"How are you doing sweetie?" she asked me.
"I'm okay. It scared the hell out of me when we got in that accident. It felt what happened with Mia was happening all over again. But she was watching over us. Our little guardian angel." I said.
"Yeah. I swear when I got that call I was worried. But you all look very healthy and I'm so happy. My grandbabies are adorable and my beautiful daughter looks really happy."
"I am happy ma. I'm the happiest I've ever been." I said.
"Good." she said.
We spent the rest of the night playing with the babies and I took a nap before dinner with the babies.



Katie was taking a nap while I was making dinner for all of us. It felt right doing this. I loved the sight of Katie with our kids. It warmed my heart.
I turned around from the stove and katies mom was sitting at the table looking at something on her phone and drinking a glass of wine. She poured one for me too which was just sitting there.
I sat down in front of her and she put her phone down before smiling at me. "You know, I just have to say that you are one of the best things that had ever happened to My daughter. Thank you for sticking by her Bruno." She said.
"Shes a strong woman. After everything she's been through, I just can't believe her strength."
"Yeah. She's something else. All her life she's been very strong and unique. I'm glad she found you. You two together are unstoppable and you really do make adorable babies." she said.
I chuckled. "Yeah we do, don't We?" I said. "I just wanna thank you for giving me the woman that's changed my life."
"Well thank you for changing hers." she said.
This was just amazing. It seemed like nothing could bring us down. And now with our family whole and healthy and happy, nothing could or ever will.

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