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Today was the VMAs. Bruno hadn't decided if we were going together or if I was just gonna meet him there. We hadn't exactly been to public about our relationship. I was open to either. On one hand I understood why people didn't go public because their life should be private but I also don't wanna hide it either. Its not like it's a secret.
I finished the last detail of my makeup and then walked out of the bathroom. I was wearing a white dress with some sparkles and beading and my white pump heels. My hair was half up and curled. It looked absolutely amazing. I loved it.
My doorbell rang. It was probably my driver. Good thing I was ready. I opened the door and smiled. Bruno was standing there looking so fine. "Wow." he said. "You look stunning."
"Thanks. You look amazing." I said.
"You ready to go?"
"Wait. We're going together?" I asked.
"Well of course. We are together aren't we?"
"Yeah. I just didn't known you wanted to go public." I said.
"Well I don't wanna hide a beautiful lady like you. Come on. Lets go." He took my hand in his and pulled me along with him to a....... Limo?
"Bruno what is this?" I asked.
"Well I figured that if we're gonna go to this thing together we might as well do it in style." he said.
"Have I ever told you lately how much I love you?" I asked.
"You can tell me as much as you want." he said.
I smiled and then the chauffeur opened the door letting us go on. Bruno got in after me and we were in our way.


The red carpet was just amazing. I got to see so many familiar friendly faces and I got to talk to so many people. Bruno and I were doing interviews and people loved seeing us together.
We walked up the carpet some more and I saw Roman in the distance. What was he doing here? He never came to these things. Someone moved out of the way and I got a clear view. He had Galina with him and boy was she really pregnant.
"Babe, you wanna come with me?" I asked.
"Sure." he said.
I grabbed his hand and we walked together over to Roman.
"Oh my gosh." I said.
Roman looked at me and smiled. Galina looked a little nervous. I gave Roman a hug and then Galina. Basically for the cameras. So did Bruno.
"Look at you. You're so pregnant. How far are you now?" I asked.
"Um, 38 weeks." she said.
"You look absolutely beautiful. And you clean up very nice Roman." I said.
"Thanks. You look amazing." He said.
Bruno had his hand on the middle of my back and was just standing with me. I looked at him and smiled before looking back at Roman.
"So what are you guys doing here? You like never come to these things." I asked.
"Well I saw that you were performing and I haven't seen you perform in a while. Is that weird?" he asked.
I looked at Bruno. "Nah man. She's got a great voice and she's amazing on the stage. Who wouldn't wanna see her perform? My girl's gonna kill it tonight." he said.
I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said.
"Yeah man. Look I'm sorry for all the trouble you two had because of me. I never wanted that." Roman said. Lets not get into this right here please.
"Its alright man. We're just past it. We're good." Bruno said.
Someone asked for a picture of all of us and we all posed together for the picture.
"Alright. We'll see you guys inside."Roman said before escorting Galina inside leaving me and Bruno on the red carpet.
"So that was a little awkward." Bruno said.
"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to give this friends thing a chance. You know? I mean he's a great guy and I don't wanna be out of his life completely. I'd like to try and be friends with him." I said.
"I know. Like I've said before. You have a big heart." he said.
"I do." I agreed.
We walked up to a woman doing an interview and she smiled at us before looking at the camera. "I'm standing here with Bruno Mars and Katie Campion. Before I start with the questions let me just say that the two of you look absolutely amazing. Katie you look so stunning. Did you buy that dress specifically for this event?" she asked.
"Yeah. Thank you. You know, I thought it deserved a very elegant dress and I'm very glad I bought it." I said.
"And Bruno you are just so handsome."
"Thank You. Thank you." he said. "But I think I look plain next to her."
"Now I gotta ask you two. Everyone wants to know. Are the two of you together?" she asked.
"Yeah. You know, she's a beautiful woman and she's funny and caring and who wouldn't wanna be with her?" Bruno said.
"Right. And Bruno is just so funny and he makes me very happy. And he's quite handsome too." I said.
"Wow. Well the two of you look so adorable together."
"Thank you." I said.
"And you both have performances tonight. Can you tell us how you prepared for them? Katie?"
"Well as soon as I got the call from manager I just started plotting and planning and I've been in the studio just practicing and getting everything right and we practiced earlier today on the lights and everything. Plus rest has been the key. I gotta have that energy on stage." I said. "So hopefully it'll be a great night and we'll have some great performances."
"Right. Bruno?"
"Oh I've got a routine for this stuff. You know the first step is to pick the songs and make sure the dances are on point so we've been doing a lot of that and making sure we get enough rest for tonight and like Katie said hopefully we'll have a great night."
"Alright. We'll thank you two for your time and good luck on your performances tonight." she said.
"Thank you." Bruno and I said together.

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