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I stood in the doorway just staring at Bruno. Even though I said it wasn't his fault didn't mean I wasn't upset with him. He just didn't deserve the blame.
"Katie, I am so sorry." He said.
"Stop." I said. "You knew my dad was alive and you never told me." there it was. The reason I was angry at Bruno.
"No. Baby. I didn't know that was your dad. If I had known I would have told you." he said.
"bruno, my dad is alive and he had me raped. How do I ever get over something like that?" I cried.
"I don't know baby. I don't know." he said. "Can I hug you please?"
I nodded before collapsing in his arms. I cried in his chest for what seemed like forever. I couldn't believe what had happened to me tonight. I had been put through the ringer but I was determined to do whatever it takes to make sure I got over this. I had to.


I didn't sleep. I was up all night wrapped in brunos arms. That's where I felt the safest. I knew I was gonna have to call my mom and tell her what had happened unless Bruno already did. I didn't know.
I was in the living room right now covered in everything. I had taken a really long shower last night just to be able to get the disgusting feeling off of me but nothing seemed to work. I was damaged now. I was traumatized. I felt completely disgusting.
Bruno was sitting in the chair beside the couch watching tv. He kept checking on me every once in a while and I loved him for it.
The doorbell rang and I sat up really quickly breathing heavily and staring at the door.
"It's okay. It's probably just your mom. I'll get it." He said before walking to the door and opening it. My mom walked through the door. Her eyes landed on me and sighed in relief like she was glad I was okay. But I wasn't okay.
"Oh sweetie. Are you alright?" she asked coming over to me.
Instantly tears started flowing from my eyes. Especially when I saw my grandpa walk in after her. He was gonna be so pissed. My dad is his son so I didn't know how he was gonna take this.
"No I'm not okay." I said. "Mom, I have something to tell you. Its impossible but I saw him. I saw dad. He's alive and he did this to me."
"Honey your dad is dead. He's been dead for a few years." she said.
"No. Mom, I'm telling you I saw him. He was right in front of me. He called me princess like he used to. And he was the one that did this to me. He ordered another guy to rape me. Mom you have to believe me." I said.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Mom I know what dad looks like. Okay? I'm positive it was him." I said.
My grandpa looked angry and I'm not sure if it was because of me telling them who it was or because of who it was.
"I'm sorry grandpa." I said.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." He said. "I wish this didn't happen to you princess. And I wish I was face to face with him just once."
"You and me both." my mom said. "I can't believe he would do this to all of us. Faking his death and now this."
I knew they were gonna be mad about this for a while but part of me just wanted to move on from this. It was gonna be a long process.

*I know this was a short chapter. It was just a continuation of the last chapter. Enjoy!*

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