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Bruno and I were back in L.A. and today we were seeing my gynecologist to see exactly how far along I was. Bruno was still super happy but I was growing more terrified by the minute. Ever since that test read positive all I could see was what happened to Mia. All I could picture was the same thing happening to this baby.
"Katie." the doctor called. I stood up and Bruno followed me into the room she led us too. "So what's going on today?"
"Ive had three pregnancy tests and theyve all come back positive." I said.
"Okay. Why don't you lie back and we'll do an ultrasound." she said. I did as she said and laid back. She brought out the wand and poured the jelly before she put the wand to my stomach and an image popped up on the screen. "Well congratulations. You're expecting twins and it looks like you're about ten weeks."
My stomach dropped. Twins? Did I just hear her correctly? Two babies? At one time? Wow. I guess Mia really was looking out for me.
"They're perfectly healthy." she said.
Bruno was holding my hand smiling. I could tell he was super happy about this and the truth is once I saw that image of my babies I got a feeling of excitement. I mean those babies were part of both me and Bruno. I loved the idea of having Bruno as the father of my kids.
"Here are your pictures and come back in a month." she said handing me the pictures before leaving the room.
I just stared at the pictures with a smile on my face. I couldn't believe I was growing not just one but two babies inside me.
"You okay?" Bruno asked putting his hand on my back.
"I'm better than okay." I said. "I can't believe this. We're gonna have two babies." I looked at him and smiled. "We're gonna have a family."
He pulled me into him and held me with joy.


We drove up to my mom's house. Today we were going to tell her about the pregnancy. Nobody other than Bruno and I knew about it right now.
I knocked on the door and she answered with a smile on her face. "Sweetheart what are you doing here?" she asked.
"Well I guess that's one way of saying hello." I said. I hugged her and then pulled Bruno inside with me. My grandpa was sitting there too. Great. Two birds. One stone.
"So what brings you two here? I thought youd be just making babies by now." she said.
I smiled at her and then looked at Bruno who was also smiling. I looked back at my mom and brought the ultrasound picture out of my purse and handed it to her.
She took it and then gasped. "Oh my goodness. Twins?" she asked handing the picture to grandpa.
"Yeah. We're gonna have two. You're gonna be a grandma again." I said.
"Have I ever told you how proud of you I am? You have come a long way from the person you used to be when Mia died. I am extremely proud of the person sitting in front of me right now. You're gonna be a wonderful mommy. I just know it."
"Thanks mom."
"Yeah. My princess is gonna have a Prince or princess of her own. I can't wait. I know these babies are gonna be super special. Just like their mom." grandpa said.
"Thanks grandpa." I said.


A couple weeks went by and we have told everyone there was to tell. Except for two. Mia and Roman. I didn't know how Roman was gonna take it after everything but I had to tell them.
I drive to the hotel Roman was staying at and walked to his room. I hoped Seth and Dean did as I asked and didn't tell Roman. It was my job. They were happy for me and that made me happy. I just hoped Roman would be happy for me too.
I knocked on the door and Roman answered. He smiled when he saw me. "Hi." He said.
"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked.
"Is something wrong?" he asked letting me inside before closing the door and turning to me.
I had the ultrasound in my hand in front of my stomach. I had a little pooch forming and it felt amazing. "Um, I have something to tell you and I wanted you to hear it from me before anyone else told you." I said. "I'm pregnant." I handed him the ultrasound picture.
He looked at it before looking at me. I saw a small smile on his face which made me smile.
"This is incredible Katie." he said.
"Thanks." I said. "You know I came here half expecting you to freak out but I'm really glad you're not."
"Of course I wouldn't freak out. I'm happy for you. I mean it stings a little because of our past but I've learned to accept that we're never gonna be together again. You and Bruno are perfect for each other and I'm really you have him. You two are gonna make amazing parents." he said. "Have you told Mia yet?"
"No. I haven't. I was kind of hoping that youd go with me to tell her."
"Isn't that Bruno's job?"
"Well I told him that We're her parents. We should be the one to tell her." I said.
"Okay. I'll go with you need me to."
"Thanks." I said.
We walked out the door and left for the cemetery.


We sat down in front of Mia's grave and I sighed. "What if she doesn't take it well? What if she thinks I'm gonna forget about her?" I asked.
"She won't. She knows you'll never forget her. Just tell her." Roman said putting his hand on my back.
"Okay." I said. I took a deep breath and looked at her stone. "Hey baby. Its mommy. I miss you like crazy and it'll never be easy. I just wanted you to know that you're gonna have two more brothers or sisters. Maybe one of each. But I will never stop loving you. I will love you until the day my heart stops beating, until my very last breath. You're my princess. You always Will be. And I know you'll watch over the babies. You would have been a great but sister. I know it." I said. "I can feel you with me every day. Sometimes I feel like you're by my side. Walking with me. I love you Mia Lynn. And so does your dad. We both love you very much. And we'll love you forever. Don't ever forget that." I kissed my fingers and then put them to the stone as if giving her a kiss. It was hard but I felt a little better now that she knew.


I pulled up in front of the hotel Roman was staying at so I could let him off. It was great that we could sit in a room or car or cemetery together and not feel uncomfortable. I guess we both have accepted each other's fate.
"So thanks for coming with me today. I don't think I would been able to tell her if you weren't there." I said.
"You would have. You're much stronger than you realize. After everything you've been through, most people wouldn't be where you're at right now. But you're different. You're probably the strongest person I know." he said.
"Thank you." I said. "For everything. You're a really great person. And you're a great father to both Mia and Joelle. You should be proud of that."
"I am. They're the two best things I have in this world." he said. I turned to the door but turned back to me after a few seconds. "I gotta ask you a question and I really don't want you to think I'm trying to get you back or anything but... Do you ever miss me?"
"Of course I do. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about the life we would have had together. But then I think, we argued so much during the last couple months that we were together. We just weren't happy then. I think we're happier now. And we just weren't ready for each other."
"Yeah. I guess life has a way of showing you what you need before you even realize it." he said. "You're doing great Katie. You should be proud of what you've got."
"Thanks. I am. You know what I'm really proud of? Having you as a friend."
"Yeah. Me too." he said. "You take care. I'll see you later."
I smiled at him and then he got out and I drove away.


I got home and walked in before sitting down with Bruno on the couch. I put my legs over his and smiled at him.
"What's got you smiling?" He asked.
"You. Me. Us. Our family. Its a wonderful thing and I'm glad it's happening to us. I love you so much." I said.
"I love you too." he said. He put his hand on my stomach and then kissed it. "And I love you guys too. Mommy and I can't wait to meet you."
I smiled at him. In that moment I saw a side of Bruno that I had never seen before. I couldn't believe I had gotten so lucky to end up with a man like my husband. I guess everything I've endured throughout my life was a good thing because it brought me to this point. This moment with my husband and my developing babies and I couldn't be happier.

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