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I woke up in the morning feeling my babies kick. I still didn't know what we were having but we would find that out today. Bruno was getting pretty excited. I mean he had already gone out and bought some things. A crib with yellow bedding. A stroller which was black and red with matching car seats. Stuffed animals, etc., etc.,. He was really getting into fatherhood.
I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen with my pretty pregnant belly. Bruno was in there making breakfast. I stood in the doorway with my arms crossed leaning against the frame. He was so cute when he was trying to be romantic and responsible I couldn't help but just watch and smile.
"What are you smiling at?" he asked.
"Who me? How did you even know I was here?" I asked.
"I could hear you waddling down the hall like a penguin." he said.
I scoffed. "That was rude." I chuckled.
"I'm kidding. I saw your reflection in the window." he said laughing.
I smiled and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist.
"What's up girly?" he asked.
"Nothing. I'm just anxious." I said.
He turned around and slid his hands around my waist while mine went around his shoulders. "Me too. I can't wait to find out what we're having."
"I know. You've bought a lot for the babies." I said. "How did get so lucky to have a man like you?"
"Well it helps that you're hot." He said.
I smacked him on the shoulder softly. "You're such a guy." I said.
"Well if I was a girl that would make you a lesbian and you being pregnant would be impossible." he said.
I chuckled and walked away to the bedroom. I had to get dressed for our appointment in an hour.


We got to the doctor's office and sat down after signing in. There were a few people in the waiting room and they just kept staring while Bruno's hand rest on my pregnant belly.
"Katie and Bruno?" the doctor called.
We got up and walked with the doctor to a room.
"Come on in." she said. She grabbed her clipboard and I got on the table. "Well 22 weeks. How are you feeling?"
"Actually really good. I'm taking my prenatals and eating right and they've been kicking away." I said.
"Good. Lets go ahead and check heart beats and then if you want we can try and catch a gender reveal." she said.
"Great. We've been waiting for that all week." I said.
She chuckled while holding the heart beat monitor to my stomach. "Well we will give it a shot." The sound of their heartbeats filled the room. I would never get used to that sound. I loved it so much. "Well their heart beats are strong and healthy. Would you like to know what you're having?"
"Yes." I smiled.
She got the ultrasound wand with the gel and pressed it to my stomach. She moved it around until she found what she was looking for. She smiled and turned the screen towards us considering Bruno was up by head holding hand anxiously.
The doctor pointed to the screen. "Congratulations." she said. "You're having a boy and a girl."
I smiled and looked at Bruno who was also smiling. A boy and a girl? This was amazing. I couldn't believe it.


The doctor had given us a few copies of the ultrasound and then we went home. We had to celebrate the news.
We went home and had I started cooking a nice dinner for the two of us. Bruno had disappeared somewhere in the house, I just didn't bother to look where.
Once the food was done I dished it out and called to Bruno But there was no answer. I walked towards our room and stopped at one of the spare rooms. I guess there were five bedrooms total in this place. Bruno was in the one closest to our bedroom. The door was cracked until I opened it more. I was amazed at the sight. Half the room was dark blue and half was a bright pink. He had one of the cribs set up on the blue side, a rocking chair in the middle of the half way mark and a couple dressers set up. He was putting together the other crib.
"Wow." I said catching his attention. I sat down I'm front of him in the rocking chair. "When have found the time to do all of this?"
"Mostly while you've been sleeping."
"When was the last time you slept?"
"Last night. I picked it back up when you started dinner."
"It looks great in here. I can't believe you've put all of this together already." I said.
"Well it's not quite done yet. I still gotta get this crib together and gets some things hung up on the walls." He said.
"I think they're really gonna like it in here." I said. "Speaking of, I've been taking a crack at some names and I wanted to run them by you."
"Okay." He said. "What do you got?"
"Okay. How about Maddison for the girl and Tyler for the boy?" I asked.
"I like Tyler. I'm not so sure about Maddison though." he said.
"Well we still a little while to think about it." I said. "Dinners ready. Why don't you take a break."
"Okay." he said.


Bruno and I spent the rest of the night watching movies and preparing the nursery for the twins. I still couldn't believe we were having twins. It so surreal. And they would be here in a matter of months.

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