Chapter Three: Love at First Sight

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     As usual, I walked lonely through the small town of Burgess. No one noticed me, I was a ghost. Nlt even a fairy tail existed of me, I was sure. It was night, and I was sprinkling snow and frost throughout the sleepy town for the next day. Frost was Jack's job from what I had heard, but I usually did it anyway's. This one walk, however, was different. I was walking toward a house where a teenager, Jamie, lived with his little sister Sophie. I stopped and gasped. Standing on the fence infront of the house was a teenage boy, very nice looking. He had white hair and a blue hoodie. His feet were bare and when he turned and looked in my direction, I noticed ice blue eyes and a handsome face. I was love struck, but alas, no human saw me, or anyone else for that matter. Wait, the boy was infront of Jamie's house, had a blue hoodie and jeans, white hair, and ice blue eyes. This was obviously Jack Frost, the one person that I found was like me, except people saw him now. He was not alone anymore. I sighed. Legends never saw me either. Once, North had walked right by me, never said a word, didn't give a glance, or anything. It was like I truly didn't exist and it really hurt. I muscled up some courage. Maybe if you walk right up to his face he will see you. I started, and then had a change in heart and turned back, bumping into a trash can and causing a ruckus. Jack got up and flew to where I was. Great, now I had to stand in his face. Nope, not happening. My mind told me to do it, but my body hid behind a trash can, sheepishly peering out at him. "Uh... hi Jack," I managed to whisper.

     "Who's there? Where are you?" he asked into the darkness.

     "Look behind the trash can."

     "Oh, um... hi. Do you always hide behind trash cans when you meet people?"

     "No. No one ever sees me. I am always all alone. I was starting to think I was completely invisible, even to the legends."

     "So, you are magical? You are like me when I first recieved my powers right?"

     "I guess so. That's what it feels like. You got people to believe in you though, I don't even have a legend or a story. I don't exist unless you count people like you seeing me. Why am I even telling you all this? I've only just met you," I said, muttering the last part. I finally came out from my hiding place, standing to my full height. He looked to be maybe an inch taller then me. It wasn't much.

     "Well, you know who I am, but I do not know who you are. It does hurt to have absolutely no one believing in you doesn't it?" he asked almost sympathetically. He knew what it felt like, but something inside me felt rage, and I wanted to scream that he knew nothing about what it felt, that not even North or Bunny or Sandy or Tooth had noticed me. That even he had failed to notice me when sometimes I had stood right next to him. Yet, I kept this all inside, screaming this in my head and almost bursting into tears, my anger was so great.

     "I am Lady Winter. You do not know all the pain I feel. I know more. Not only do humans not see me, but you are the first person to see me. I have stood beside you before, yet you did not notice. North has walked past me, Bunny has hid an egg right above where I was standing. Tooth and Sandy have flown right by me. No one ever notices or sees me. It hurts more then you will know," I said, calmly at first, but the rage and burning anger quickly taking over, my words growing faster and much sharper. Hkt tears ran down my cheeks, now rosy, and my whole body shook with my anger.

     "Woah, woah,  chill out Winter, I can call you that right? I never meant any harm. How about I take you to the North Pole and I can introduce you face to face with North and any others that are there," I heard him say, but I was already running down the street so he wouldn't see anymore of the broken me. The shattered glass that hid behind a stone wall. I rushed deep into the forest and flew to sit on one of the branches of a great pine in the middle of the clearing, crying my eyes out. Why had I been so stupid as to say all of that? Had my heart clouded my vision, or was it just that every thought I had contained until now wanted to burst out? I was so stupid. I fell asleep, back against the trunk, tears staining my face.


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