Chapter Eight: Pitch's Return Visit

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Jack's POV

     The next morning I decided to see if Winter was awake. I wanted to learn more about her, she was interesting, especially since her powers so closely resembled mine, yet she did not seem to have a source for her power, it just existed. I stopped in front of her door and knocked, then waited. She didn't answer though the light was on, and I thought I heard voices from inside the room. I knocked again and then tested the door nob, unlocked. Bracing myself, I opened the door and walked into the room. Winter was still asleep. Pitch stood beside her bed, a single nightmare pranced around the room. "Ah... Jack. I had hoped to see you, just that I wanted to have your little friend here bring you to me. In a way, she has served her purpose, though she refused my first attempt to get her to bring you to me. Ah well, in the end, she has brought you to me without even knowing," he said mischeviously.

     "What are you doing here? I thought you were-" I snaped but he caught me off.

     "You thought I was what? Dead? Don't be ridiculous. I'm much to hard to kill, even for you Jack, probably the strongest of the big four," said Pitch. His hand suddenly hovered over Winter and I knew he planned to taint her with the darkness of his own black sand.  Without even thinking, I started shooting ice at him, forcing him to move away from Winter or be frozen. Then I went to stand in between the sleeping girl and Pitch. It wasn't happening, he was not going to win. I was about to fling another volley of ice at him, but he disappeared into the shadows. "Remember, I am back and I will win this time," came his voice before the shadow disappeared. The nightmare that had been in the room came screeching towards me and I struck it with my staff, destroying it, before turning to Winter. Somehow she had slept through all the drama. She must sleep like a rock. Winter stirred and opened her eyes, sitting up and yawning. Well, maybe she didn't sleep like a rock.

     "Jack, what are you doing in my room?" she asked sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and then looked suddenly very alert. There was no getting out of this one.

     "Well, I was going to talk to you 'cause, you know, you seem kinda lonely. The light was on and I heard a voice so I knocked but no one answered. I knocked again and walked in to find Pitch in here standing over your bed. Anyways, I'm just going to leave now," I said, before starting for the door. Hopefully that would suffice and I could slip out.

     "Wait Jack!" she began, nope, no getting out just yet, "Can you stay? Pitch was giving me another nightmare and it scared me.  He wanted me to bring you to him but I refused, so he started using my fears against me," she said softly. Winter's voice was shaky, and the look in her eye made it all too obvious she was terrified. Of course I would stay. It wouldn't be right any other way.

     "Yes, I'll stay. Will you tell me about your dream?" I replied. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. She nodded and scooted over so that she was about two inches away from me. We both looked at the far wall. With that, she began to tell me her dream.


     I know I planned on writing over vacation and publishing something, I didn't do it. I was distracted by good books, video games, and my family. Not only that, I wasn't in an area with wifi that much so it wouldn't of mattered if I had written anything. Lucky you I decided to write in the car so that when I got home there would be at least two chapters to publish. Anyways, I hope you continue to enjoy my books.

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