Chapter Fourteen: Fun and Happiness

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     The rest of the night passed uneventful. In the morning, I woke up, and discovered I was sleepin in Jack's arms. He was smiling and looking at me. I blushed heavily and scooted away. "Uh... sorry. I-I, uh..." I stumbled over my words.

     "It's fine. You didn't fall asleep like that. It just looked like you were sad for some reason, so I wrapped my arms around you. You weren't sad looking anymore," said Jack, smiling cheekily.

     "Thanks," I said. I didn't feel embarrassed anymore, but I once more felt safe and sound with Jack. Then I realized the other Guardians were still there. "Jack, what did I miss?" I asked him quietly.

     "Oh. We had a meeting. Well, continued the meeting. We are going back to Burgess to take down Pitch hopefully once and for all. Then we can all relax for a bit," said Jack. He looked up thoughtfully, before turning back to me. "And perhaps we can have an ultimate snowball fight, being winter spirits and all," he continued, smiling.

     "That sounds like alot of fun," I said. I formed a few snowflakes and let them go into the air, blowing on them so they danced and swirled inside. Now that I thought about it, despite my previous name, I had always favored winter. Perhaps the moon had chosen right, because making me a winter spirit seemed very fitting. I was no longer the sad, lonely winter spirit. I was happy and joyous, just like the emotions that the snow of winter brought young children. I was happy, and I smiled. This was what happy felt like. It was nice, and warm, and inviting, so you never wanted to leave. I knew I didn't want to leave.


      Okay, so I seriously lost every but of idea I had for this chapter. I'm not really sure where I was going with this. I really just wrote to wrote. Basically, it is a filler chapter with a bit of Jinter action in it. Also, thanks for 20 votes and I think at least 150 reads. Keep it up, and don't forget to comment and vote.

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