Chapter Seven: North's POV

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     That girl is rather stange. Winter's her name. She is so broken and shattered, it is like she is beyond repair, yet I can see a spark in her, lurking somewhere that is mending these. Is it Jack? That is possible, but something in my belly tells me something will go horribly wrong soon enough. I do not trust her. "North," Jack's voice shattered my thoughts.

     "What do you want Jack?" I said, turning to look at him. He was standing on top of the globe, much like the first time we had told him he was to be a Guardian.

     "You've been acting strange lately. What's with you?" he asked.

     "I have a feeling in my belly. I got it after Winter came here. Either she is danger, or something is going to happen to her. I suspect Pitch on this one, much like everthing else, but Pitch is supposed to be gone, unless a new threat has arisen," I said, beginning to pace back and forth. Jack alighted in front of me.

     "Look, I don't think Winter is bad. She's just like me before I became a Guardian, she's lonely. Her loneliness goes one step deeper though. She has no magical or immortal friends as well as no mortal friends. She is completely and utterly alone and it has shattered her. I brought her here both because she wanted to come, and because I thought our friendship might be able to fix those broken pieces," said Jack. Perhaps I was wrong, his theory certainly made sense. That didn't, however, get rid of the feeling in my belly.


     Yeah, I know, once again, my chapter is short. Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, I hope you enjoy getting the perspective of North.

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