Chapter Twelve: The Standoff

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     When we set foot in Burgess, it was night. As I looked around in a slow circle, I realized that nightmares lurked everywhere. Even as we were noticing them, they were rushing toward us to repel us back to where we had come from. Jack began firing bolts of ice as Bunny began throwing his boomerang at the onslaught of nightmares. Sandman released different beings created from his sand and North began to swing at nightmares with his sword and touch used martial arts. I did not know what to do. I had never been taught how to defend myself, and I didn't know how to use my magic as a weapon. I just sat in the middle of the big four. When they got too close, I would touch them, and I discovered that they froze. Then I began running at them, touching each one, freezing it, and then shattering it by punching or kicking the frozen nightmare. I smiled, looking at my hands, when the nightmares subsiding. "Nice work," said Jack, coming up behind me and patting me on the back. I smiled at him.

     "I didn't know I could do that," I said, still looking in wonder at my hands.

     "You never know anything until you try it," said Jack.

     "I see you survived my nightmares for now. Interesting. I remember burning your fifth member not that long ago. If I seem to recall, she also fell to a chasm. I see you recovered," said Pitch, stepping out from the shadows, and evil smile on his face.

     "It won't happen again Pitch. You are a coward who only goes for the weakest link. I'll show you I'm much more powerful now. I have courage, and your nightmares only smell fear," I yelled at him. His face fell.

     "You'll have to go through me to get to her," said Jack, stepping in front of me protectively. I felt safe behind him, like his words were really true.

     "Poor Jack, trying to be the hero. Do you really think you can stop me?" said Pitch, cackling. He stepped closer to us and Jack advanced protectively. I don't know why I did it, but held him back. Lucky for him because nightmares rushed the spot he would have been.

     "Thanks," he breathed, nodding to me. I nodded back and turned to face the giant nightmare that had formed in front of us. It stood as tall as a normal horse, not like the pipsqueks from before. Then I suddenly realized fire roared in it's belly. It was a nightmare designed to use my weakness. I started to panic and backed away, fear in my eyes. The nightmare snorted, sparks spewing, and advanced. I retreated. Jack then stepped in front of me.

     "Not so brave anymore, little girl?" sneered Pitch. He cackled, an evil grin on his face.

     "If she isn't brave enough, then I will be the wall for her to find protection behind," said Jack.

     "Yes,  I would like to see that. I thank you for playing with my nightmares. Bad dreams," said Pitch before disappearing.

     "Did he seriously just run away?" I asked as nightmares attacked.

     "Focus on the task at hand Winter," said Jack as he began fighting again. I can't believe he just ran away.


     Not the ending you expected huh? Sorry it took me so long. My creative juices aren't working well.

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