Chapter Fifteen: Back-up

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     Soon after I discovered that I was happy, we went back to Burgess. Shadows lurk everywhere, no doubt nightmares. Of course they were nightmares, what else might they be? Jack and I branched off from everyone else, and headed to Jamie's house as was the plan. Though Jamie could no longer help us, his little sister Sophie, could. Jack opened the window and we slipped into Jamie's room. Luckily he wasn't there. We closed the window, because since Jamie no longer believed in Jack, he would question the open window. We slipped into Sophie's room, who was playing with dolls at the time.  "Hey Sophie!" said Jack.

     "Jack!" exclaimed Sophie, rushing over and giving him a hug. She did not look at me, of course, since no one believed it me.

      "Hey there kiddo. We need your help. As in, the Guardians need your help. You can be a hero, just like Jamie. Come on, let's go get some of your friends now," said Jack, taking her hand as she nodded.

     "Psst. Jack. Am I suddenly invisibly to you too! See if you can get her to believe in me," I whisper yelled. He looked at me apologetically and nodded, before squatting down and looking Sophie in the eyes.

     "Sophie, do you know about Lady Winter?" he asked seriously.

     "No. Why? Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? Where is she?" began Sophie. I roled my eyes. Here we go. I have a hunch, and it's just a hunch, but Jack is about to launch into an over-glorified tale of me. Just by the look on his face, I can tell.

      "Well, you see. Lady Winter, or just Winter, is a winter spirit like me. She likes fun too, but was once very lonely.  Then she met the Guardians. This is really recently. Apparently, even we had never seen her. Now, she's getting better, becoming whole again. She has pretty blue eyes, the same color as mine. Her hair begins white, but changes blue. She's pale, has freckles, and is incredibly beautiful when you can get her to smile," said Jack. I listened and blushed. Perhaps it isn't a over-exagerated tale. It's not really a tale at all. He smiled at me.

     "So, is she your girlfriend? And where is she?" said Sophie.            

     "Winter is standing right beside me. You have to believe in her to see her. That's why Jamie doesn't see me anymore. He stopped believing," said Jack instructively. What was sad was, she probably wouldn't believe. I would stay invisible. That reminded myy of what Pitch had said earlier, that if he won and I didn't join him, I would never be seen by anyone. I sighed. Perhaps it might be that way anways.

     "Okay. I'll try to believe," said Sophie. Just as a little bit of a enforcer, I created a few snowflakes and let them fly  into the air, swirling around her head. Sophie smiled and giggled, reaching out to catch the snowflakes. "Lady Winter?" asked Sophie, peering in my direction.     

     "Hi Sophie," I whispered, smiling. She walked up to me and touched my hand.

     "It is you! You are real! I can see you!" she exclaimed. I gasped and my mouth fell open.

     "Y-you can see me. You can hear me," I breathed. "Jack! I'm believed in! Oh thank you jack! Thank you Sophie,"I exclaimed, throwing my arms around Jack, tears streaming down my face. I kissed Jack's cheek, blushing heavily, and he blushed. Then I hugged Sophie. I wasn't invisible anymore!

     "Okay, come on Sophie. Let's go get some of your friends," said Jack, taking her hand. My happiness must have been contagious, because they were smiling as well. We flew from house to house, getting her friends, and then went back to the rest of the Guardians. We were ready for fighting now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


     I decided to change my cover back to the original one because Winter's head was cut off from the picture I drew when it was placed as the cover. Very unfortunate, but it's just the way it is. Yay! Winter is no longer invisible, she has one believer, and thanks to Sophie, other people will start believing as well. Comment, vote, and just keep reading.

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