Chapter Eleven: Waking Up

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     I felt a cool touch against my cheek. It sent shivers down my spine and the cool spread all through my limbs. It felt like magic. I remebered the burns I had. They no longer hurt. Suddenly, alertness shot throught my body and I woke up.

     Slowly, catiously, I sat up. My head pounded for a few seconds before subsiding. I opened my eyes. I was in my room. The light was off and it was empty. I looked at my arms and chest, no burns, not even a scar. Everything was gone. Pulling the covers off, I swung my legs over the side and stood up Blood rushed from my head and I sat down again, too dizzy to see. When the feeling vanished, I stood up again, this time I was fine. I walked over to the wall and flicked on the light. Nothing significant caught my eye so I left the room after switching off the light. As if on instinct, I headed to the room with the globe. It felt right, and I found everyone in there, discussing things with a hushed tone, except Jack. He just stood quietly by the wall. Soundlessly, I walked over to him, my bare feet making no sound against the hard floor. "I know what you did, thank you," I whispered in his ear, shyly kissing his cheek, making him blush and look away. Then I made my way to the others. "Hello," I said quietly, trying not to startle them. I now knew my descision. I would accept becoming a guardian. It just felt right to say yes. Before, my feelings had been conflicted, but now it felt like they were aligning and not fighting one another. Everyone turned toward me, shocked looks on their faces. "Yes, yes, I know. This looks strange after my recent accident. I will explain later. Anyways, moving on to the important part. I am willing to become a guardian," I said. There, I had said it. I had gathered my courage and said it.

     "Haha, come here," said North. He came up to me and pratically squished the living daylights out of me with a massive bear hug. Next came Bunny, giving me a simple pat on the shoulder. Sandy gave two thumbs up.

     "Ooh, yay. This is great, no, this is awesome," said Tooth, flitting up to me. I smiled at all of them, though it still showed a few cracks and breaks, I was getting better at smiling. Jack did not say a word, and just stood against the wall.

     "Come on Jack, you have to at least be happy I woke up," I said, walking lver to him and poking his nose. He smiled.

     "I guess I am," he said.

     "Do you know what your center is?" interrupted North.

     "Excuse me? What do you mean by center?" I asked, confused.

     "Every guardian has a center. Mine is fun, his is wonder. Tooth is memories, Bunny is hope, and Sandy is dreams," explained Jack.

     "No, I don't, sorry," I said.

     "It will come to you, don't worry," said North. "Anyways, we need to find Pitch and stop those lights from going out," he continued.

     "He'll probably go to Burgess last, since he failed there last time as well. We should get ready for a showdown unless he gets there first. Hopefully Sophie will continue on her brother's legacy," said Jack, looking at the globe. Already, the lights were starting to fail at a mkre rapid pace, but the one in Burgess remained at the epicenter of the dwindling circle. We had to get there fast.

     "We should probably go right now," I suggested, pointing at the globe.

     "We'll take the sleigh," said North.

     "I'm not flying, we'll take the tunnels," began Bunny.

     "Guys, guys, man and kangaroo, calm down. We'll just take a snow globe," said Jack cooly, stepping between them.

     "I am not a kangaroo! Am I a kangaroo Winter?" asked Bunny, dragging me into it.

     "No Bunny, you are not a kangaroo. You are a bunny," I said, giggling.

     "Thank you. See, see, she knows what I am," said Bunny.

     "Oh be quiet Bunny. We're taking the snowglobes," said Jack. He produced a snowglobe from his pocket and muttered our destination, throwing it. We were all sucked to Burgess.


     Yay! She is now a guardian. What do you think her center is? What do you think Burgess will look like when they get there? Find out in the next chapter. Comment, vote, and just keep reading.

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