Chapter Nine: The New Guardian

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     "So you mean to tell me Pitch is back, AGAIN!" boomed North.

      "Yes, he was in Winter's room, I saw him and attacked him," said Jack. After I had calmed down Jack had taken me to see North and explained what had happened. North wasn't very happy. We were in the room with the globe. I saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye and turned towards the globe. Ligths were flickering out slowly. I pointed, too stunned to speak, my eyes wide in disbelief.

     "Oh this is not good. At least they are going slowly, so we have some time to think," muttered North, beginning to pace back and forth across the room.

     "Maybe we should try and find Pitch and fight back?" I suggested meekly. I was not one to be very brave. A face appeared on the floor.

     "No, no, no. Man in moon will help us solve the problem. Man in moon, what help do you bring?" said North. He looked down at the shadow face on the floor, merely a silohette. A figure appeared, that of a girl with waist length hair. That could be many people. "You sure we need another guardian? Come on. We don't know her that well. What if Pitch has already tainted her. Oh, you say it is someone we know. Her? Fine," said North. Who was this new guardian anyways? North seemed to be putting up a fuss over it.

     "Well, who is it?" I asked finally, breaking the silence. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and, truthfully, I wasn't that eager to know. There was a long pause before North inhaled to start talking.

      "Man in moon says it is you. You are to be the new guardian," he sighed. I was afraid of that. I didn't even know the extent of my powers, just the bare minimum to do what I was created to do.

     "W-well. What if I refuse? I mean, I don't even know what I can do really. Sure I can throw snowflakes in the air and make frost, but I don't know about anything else," I said. There was no way this was happening, this couldn't be happening. It felt like everything was spinning. What if Pitch won? Would I disappear like everyone else? Would I stay behind because no one believed in me? I would feel really guilty about that. What should I do?

     "I'm afraid there is no option. Manny says it is you and so it is you. No two ways about it. You may choose not to accept it at first, but it will happen whether you want it to or not," said North. I felt like screaming in dispair. I ran out of the room and then stopped. I went back and hid just outside the doorway.

      "She has to accept. We have no other choice," I heard Tooth say.

     "I agree with you mate," said Bunny.

     "Maybe I should go talk to her, see if I can change her mind or at least pursuade her," said Jack. "When I faced Pitch, he said that even the four of us were not strong enough to kill him. We need him gone, permanantly. She might be the one missing piece of the puzzle that will vanjquish him for gold," he continued.

     "Winter is acting just like you did when we first pressed the news upon you. I think she may be less rebellious then you, but she has no bravery, or at least it is locked away inside of her. Something will eventually be the key to bringing it out, but right now it is hidden. Give her a bit of time and hope Pitch doesn't manage to finally change her. She will become a guardian," said North. Well, at least someone believed in me instead of trying to force me against my will. I ran down the hall and outside. I leapt into the sky and let the wind carry me even further North, where it got colder and colder. Not that it bothered me. I finally alighted at the edge of a large cravice and sat down with my back up against a giant glacial boulder. I sighed. Now I could think. Just then, dark sand swirled violently in one spot. I bolted to my feet, ready to attempt to defend myself. I would likely end up running instead.

     "The thing I'm best at," I muttered bitterly. Finally Pitch materialized.

     "So, you're to be the new guardian. Pathetic. I guess Manny can't find anyone better. Such sad times, no more strong opponents. Oh well," he said slowly, his words dripping in false sadness. "I still want Jack. My offer still stands. Bring him to me and people will notice you. I might even leave the others alone. Don't follow my instructions and there will be consequences," Putch continued, his voice now bitter and sharp. Nightmares began walking around, appearing out of nowhere. Fear grasped me and I froze. "Don't he afraid. My nightmares can smell it. They live off of it," he snapped.

     "I'm not afraid. I will not bring Jack or any of the others to harm. I refuse your offer," I said. My voice to a suprisingly brave note.

     "Pretending to be a hero, have you really stooped that low. I know you biggest weakness. Everything frozen will eventually melt. Why shouldn't you?" he said. He struck a match and I began to panic. I could do absolutely nothing but run against something such as fire. I stepped back slowly, closer to the edge of the deep, narrow ravine. Pitch lit a torch, which burned brightly, even against the wind and cold. He stepped closer, moving quickly until the flames were a few inches away from my skin. It was burning me and I screamed, pulling my arm away, only to have the other arm burned. He threw the torch at me, hitting me in the chest. I plunged down the ravine, screaming as the pain worsened, though the flame died before I hkt the ground. At the impact, I felt my vision flicker. He looked over the edge of the ravine and smiled devilishly before everything went black.


     Major cliffhanger. You'll have to wait until I crank out the next chapter. Stay strong and keep reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. I wrote the very ending listening to the beginning of Prologue by Loreena McKennit. That is why it is kinda sad. The beginning of the song sounds kinda sad.

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