Chapter Six: Meeting the Legends

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     When I woke up, I noticed icy blue eyes peering at me curiously. I screamed a bit and almost fell out of the tree, but a cold hand caught me and I realkzed it was just Jack. I relaxed a but and then remembered our previous conversation. Perhaps I had been a bit to childish and selfish. Maybe it was time to finally grow up and face everything boldly. "I have something to tell you," we both started at the same time. My voice was so soft and quiet I was afraid he couldn't hear me. It felt like jf I didn't speak softly, nothing would come out of my mouth.

     "You go first," said Jack.

     "You go first, I'm not good at starting the talking," I returned. I wanted to hear what he had to say and no other words were coming out of my mouth until he spilled the beans. I could wait forever, literally.

     "First off, I'm sorry for whatever I said," he began.

     "No, I'm sorry for being so childish. You didn't know anything about me and I really didn't have a right to scream at you."       

      "That's alright. Second, I mentioned something about taking you to meet the others but you were already running. I restore my offer. How would you like to meet my friends?" he asked. A cheeky smile appeared on his face and I suddenly felt really safe, and a feeling crept over me that felt warm and comforting. This was soon forgotten over excitement.

     "Can I really? Will you really take me to meet Toothiana, Sandman, Bunny, and North? Yes, I wanna go, of course I want to go," I pratically yelled, jumping up and down on the branch I was now standing on, dancing about it and throwing snowflakes like an excited three year old. I felt so stupid doing it, but it was the only way to express joy and excitement that I knew.

     "You can calm down. Of course I'll take you. Consider it my apology. We are going to take the quick way. I managed to nab one of North's snowglobes. Hold on to me," he said. I could see that cheeky grin on his face.

     "Smooth," I said as I grabbed his hand. Part of me wanted to wrap my arms around him and never let go, but I knew that wasn't happening. Jack just grinned at me with that cheeky look of his. It was so cute, wait, what was I thinking. Shut up brain.

     "North Pole," he muttered as he threw the snowglobe. I portal formed and we were teleported to the North Pole. I let go lf his hand quickly and looked around. It was awesome. We were in a room with a huge globe, a bunch of lights covering each continent. "Hey North, where are you? I brought somebody with me," called Jack, peeking in a few doors as I flew up to the globe and stood on top of it, looking atall of the lights. Each one burned brightly, but there were no lightbulbs. Definately the work of magic, nkthing else could do it. I happened to look up just as a big, Russian looking man with a beard came walking in. He had a sword at his side and looked rather scary so I hid behind the globe, peeking out at him before realizing it was just North. Thoothiana darted in behind him and up to me.Before I could do anything she was opening my mouth and looking at my teeth.

     "Tooth, hands out of mouth," said North, his voice heavy with an accent I knew only to be Russian. A kangaroo came in behind him, a boomerang strapped to his back. Finally, a small man made of yellow sand floated lazily in. I knew immeadiately it was Sandman. I mean, who else do you know made out of dream sand?

     "Um... hi," I said uncertainly, making a small waving gesture. Why was I so shy all of a sudden.

     "Guys, this is Winter," said Jack, pointing to me.

     "Whose the kangaroo?" I asked.

     "I am not a kangaroo, I am a bunny. My name is Bunny. The Easter Bunny," he said, pointing a thumb at himself. He had a heavy Australian accent. Well, that explained the big ears.

     "It is so nice to meet you. Your teeth are incredible. Pearly white and perfect, just like Jack's," started Tooth. I backed away before she could start putting her fingers in my mouth again. That had been a little awkward. North was eyeing me from a distance, I guess making sure I wasn't contaminated by Pitch or something. Sandman merely motioned a greeting. I waved back. Finally, North spoke.

     "Jack, why don't you give Winter the grand tour, since I have a feeling this is the only room she has seen. Show her the toy shop, I'll get the Yetis to prepare a room," sakd North, before walking out of the room, mumbling to himself. This intriqued me and I wished I could hear what was being said. I sighed. Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me down a hall.

     "Come on, I'm going to show you the toy shop," he said as he pulled me down the hall. As we reached the end, it opened up into a big, cavernous room filled with different work stations, all manned by hairy creatures I guessed were the Yetis.

     "I thought elves made the toys," I said. I felt as though my mouth was hanging open and I closed it.

     "Let them keep thinking that," Jack whispered in my ear. He pointed to where a group of little elves were taking turns electrocuting themselves. No wonder they didn't make the toys. They had no brains left after all of their stupidity. "It is getting late in the day. I don't think you need to sleep, but it is nice to have a room to yourself," Jack said, motioning to a Yeti. The Yeti came over quickly. "He'll take you to your room," said Jack and he flew off in search of North. The Yeti motioned and I followed him to a room where he left me. The room was painted ice blue with darker blue snowflakes. A blue, soft carpet covered the ground. The bed was covered in a black blanket, dotted with blue snowflakes. I sighed. It felt good in here. It was warm and cozy, but not so much I would overheat. I turned off the light and crawled under the blankets, letting sleep overtake me.


     Not really what she thought it would be eh? Winter doesn't know what to feel and is surprised and confused. This chapter was interesting to type, and I hope I did a good enough impression of the characters. I'll work on cranking out the next chapter soon enough.

Winter FrostDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora