Chapter Ten: Saving Lady Winter

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Jack's POV

     "Guys, I can't find Winter anywhere. I thought she might be in her room, but it's empty. None of the Yetis have seen her," I said, bursting into the room. The door slammed against the wall making me realize how hard I had flung it open, but that didn't matter right now.

    "Where could she have gone? We weren't talking but ten minutes. You don't think she ran away do you?" said Tooth, concern and worry painted on her face.

     "I have an idea. Hopefully I'll be back with Winter. North, I need a snowglobe," I said. I was already formulating a plan in my mind. Hopefully it worked. North handed me a globe wordlessly. I dashed out of the room and outside. "Wind, take me to Winter," I yelled out, getting snatched away by a gust. I was deposited at the edge of a chasm. This wasn't good. I noticed small splotches of dark sand and something that appeared to be ash. This wasn't good. "Winter?" I yelled down into the chasm. No reply. This did not bode well at all. I flew down to the bottom of the cave and saw Winter, crumpled in the snow. I ran over and gasped. Burns covered her arms, neck, and chest. A hole had been burned through part of her shirt. This must be her weakness, fire. That probably meant it was mine too, since we both controlled ice. A burned out torch lay on top of her chest. I picked it up and cast it aside. The burns had blisters and were and angry red. I refrained from touching them, afraid that my cold wouldn't numb the pain and it would hurt her instead. It was painful to see such an innocent girl to be harmed like this. I scooped her up in my arms gently, carrying her bridal style, and pulled out the snowglobe. "Northpole," I whispered and threw the globe. It broke on a rock and we were sucked into the room with the globe. Back with the rest of the guardians. "Well, I found her, but she doesn't look good. Pitch got to her and did this," I said. The rest stared in shock before being glavanized into action.

      "What should we do? Oh, what should we do?" panicked Tooth. She flitted about the room.

     "Calm down Tooth. We'll figure zomething out, won't we Jack? In the meantime, I suggest keeping her in her room," said North.

     "Aye mate. That's the safest place for her," Bunny added.

     "Alright, alright, I get it. I'll take her to her room," I said. I turned and walked down the hall and opened the door, walking into Winter's room. I laid her on the bed gently and sat down on the edge. Her pale, creamy skin was dotted with perspiration and her face seem contorted in pain. I hesitantly reached out and placed the back of my hand on her cheek. It was warmer to touch then it should have been. My eyes moved to the burns on her arms, blistered and red. I touched the skin around it. That was really warm to touch. She flinched away but didn't wake, but then she submitted to my touch. My hand went to my staff. Maybe I could freeze the wounds and bring down her pain. There had to be a way to heal her and it was worth a shot. Gently, I tapped the wounds with my staff. Frost swirled and covered them, but did nothing more. Well, that didn't work. My gaze wandered to her lips, vividly red against her pale skin. Without thinking I slowly leaned in and then stopped myself. I had heard of kissing in fairytails like Sleeping Beauty. Supposedly it could wake sleeping princesses. Perhaps it could heal the burns on a magical girl. I shrugged and pecked her on the cheek. Then I left the room, unable to think of anything else to do.


     Jinter (Jack and Winter) is official folks. I have finally brought it into play. If you haven't noticed before, the tittle of the entire story is the first name Winter, and then Jack's last name, Frost. Also, the tittle of this chapter is a pun, basically. If you have ever heard of the movie Saving Private Ryan, this is a play on those words. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

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