Chapter Four: Everything is Falling Apart

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     The ground beneath me seemed to move on it's own accord. The ground writher under my feet. I was running, my whole world falling apart. All around, people stood, laughing and shooting evil and dark glances at me. No matter how hard or fast I ran from them, they were always right there, and then it stopped. Everything stopped and I stood in the middle of a crowd, people were walking about their business but I was alone. No one saw me or heard me or sensed me. I just stood there and cried.

     "I know what your biggest fear is," interjected a dark, mysterious voice. Everyone cumpled into black sand and shadows raced across the ground. The image of a man appeared in a shadow, then flitted away. Finally the came swirling and a man, maybe slightly transparent, appeared before me. He had black hair and wore a awful black pinstripped suit.

     "W-who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Where is here?" I asked, my voice shaky. Why was I scared?

     "I am fear. I know your deepest fears. I am the boogyman. You are afraid no one will ever see you, that no one will ever believe in you. I have something to ask of you. A favor, if you will. I want Jack, you see, he caused me some trouble some time ago. If you bring me back, I will make sure everyoje can see you, you will never be alone. Come on, what do you say?" he asked. Pitch stuck out his pale, thin hand. There was a mischevious grin on his face, which he tried to conceal with a faked kindness. I didn't buy it. I knew what he had done with Jack and the others. They had almost vanished, jf it hadn't been for Jamie and his friends. 

     "I want to be seen, but I won't betray anyone, whether or not they have ever see me. I would never trust you," I screamed at him. Everthing shattered right there. Every image that I saw was like I was looking through a broken window.

I woke up screaming.


     So... sorry this update took so long to get out. I've been a little more than busy. I'm going to start doing different people's POVs rather then everthing be from Winter's prospective. Also, I really appreciate those who have commented, mainly AquardtheTroll, since right now she is the only one.

@AquardtheTroll: Would you calm down in the comments. I have three or four different comments from you in a row on the same chapter. Try and keep it to one comment per chapter, or spaced out between other peoples' comments please? Okay? Thank you!

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