Chapter Five

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Vigilantly, I Peeked around the gates of the school to see if there was anyone there and released a heavy breath at the empty space. Ever since Draco had tried to force out why I was scared I had been a little shaky and twitchy, feeling as if he was watching my every move even if he was on the other side of the school to me.

Half of me felt touched that he was so concerned for me despite the fact I hadn't even known him for a whole day, yet the other half f me felt like shrinking away in fear and even wondering if he would lash out at me unexpectedly. He was like an icy fire; too hot to get close yet he could freeze you with his glares.

I began humming quietly too myself as shifted my bag on my shoulder, getting comfortable as I walked down the road. It wasn't as cold as yesterday, spring was coming round as it was nearing the end of February. Some people were even getting out there sunshades for their back yards while others had started going to the park and playing outdoors rather than being kept warm inside.

What I wouldn't give right now for a nice cool dip in the pool, even if I still felt a little chilly. Just the soothing effect of the water would make me feel so good...

Unfortunately I should've paid more attention looking where I was going rather than where I wish I was as once again, my head banged against something solid, Seriously? This week I had bumped into more things than I had in my entire life, it was honestly a damper on my good mood.

"So-," I choked on my apology when I looked up to see ice cold blue eyes. The six-foot beast in front of me just smirked.

"Well, well, well, getting into trouble even down here are we?" He asked cockily, looking down at me with a mocking tone in his voice I glared back at him with as much ferociousness as possible, This man would never truly leave me alone would he?

"What do you want Aleksandre?"I questioned coldly, not wanting to waste time here when I could be safe at my new home where I now belonged thanks to him. He pouted at me as if the way I was acting with him hurt him but I could see him trying not to smile underneath


"Awww, what's wrong? Did your non-existent friends fall out with you?"My temper flared but I reminded myself that he wasn't worth the effort or my precious time either. I should get rid of him quickly before Draco catches up with me or I'd never be able to get away from either of them.

I suddenly smiled sweetly at him like we were best buddies who had just been reunited, moving an inch forward so we were nose-to-nose - "Nope. I just missed your brother, how is dear old Landon anyways? I do miss those pretty pink lips of his and how perfect they looked around my -"

A deep growl reverberated from his chest, the vibrations moving on to me and I smiled with a smug satisfaction. "Don't you dare, talk about Landon like that. Don't speak about him, don't even think about him. He's nothing to you anymore...After all; I made sure of that didn't I? " And there that damn smirk was again, his confidence appearing once more as he cooled off.

I merely, sneered at him before he walked off, thankfully before I did something I would regret. I burned holes through his back where I presumed his black heart should be until he walked too far for me to see him.

Grumbling and muttering, I made the rest of the journey home thankfully without any interruptions and fumbled with my keys for the lock for the door. Carelessly, I flung my jacket over the coach and my bag into the living room as I walked through to get to my bedroom.

I walked straight to my bed and flopped down, bringing a pillow to my face before screaming with frustration, the sounds muffled by the layer of...fluff? When I felt I could scream no more with my throat sore, my mind at ease and my pillow having suffered enough, I went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I think I may have - at some point - drifted off while I was screaming as the sun had disappeared; that or I had a lot more frustration building up on me that needed to be released than I thought. With the glass full, I carefully balanced the water to my bedroom.

"Going somewhere?"

I shirked like a banshee, dropping the glass and shattering the glass to smithereens before my feet as well as flooding me kitchen floor. Like a whirlwind I span around with a furious glare and pointed angrily at Draco.


"Yes, it's me," He responded dryly. It's not like I didn't warn you when I said I was going to talk to you after school. And with you running from me outside of school the only option was to meet you here."

I huffed at him, my face red from anger and humiliation. "For your information I was not running! And do you really think that breaking in here to talk to me was the best option? You sincerely couldn't just wait for tomorrow?"

"If I tried to talk to you in public you would just run away from me again so the only place to talk would be where you can't run." He pointed out making me scowl as he was right, I was a coward who would always take the flight option in 'fight or flight''.

"Now, I believe there was something you needed to explain to me

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