Visitors and Connections

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             "Bye Koneko-sensei!"
I salute the children before turning and walking out of the classroom. I'd ended up teaching them what I'd suggested Iruka teach them, leading to a bunch of children with wooden staffs trying to 'point' the vitals and pressure points. They seemed to love it and they warmed up to me quickly. It was the strangest thing I'd had to deal with. Put me in a room full of bloodthirsty criminals, I'm fine. Put me in a room full of children and I'm terrified but I have to admit it wasn't terrible. Iruka said I did very well with it being my first time teaching, and asked if I wanted to consider becoming a teacher. I told him I had other obligations but I could possibly drop in atleast once more before leaving Konoha again.

                 I know that my father is going to be unable to leave the office for lunch because he's waiting for someone from another village. He didn't tell me who it was or where they're coming from, but they're expected to arrive at any time. I make my way to Ichiraku's to pick up some food. The owner smiles at me and asks how I'd been since it'd been forever since he's seen me. I tell him that I'm fine and ask how he's been. Before I left Konoha, when I had the money for it I would come eat here. He's covered a few of my meals as well over the years. I place my order and take a seat at the bar to wait. Someone sits down beside me and I sigh as I realize who it is.

"Go away Naruto." I mutter.
"I ran into Iruka." He tells me smugly.
"Congratulations. Would you like a cookie?" I reply, keeping my tone even.
"He told me you came in and taught the kids. You were smiling and laughing. You have a soft spot for children!"
"And you have a soft spot on your skull."
"Why don't you just admit that you care about people?"
"Why don't you just mind your business?" I snap.
My food is ready and I thank the guy before handing him a random stack of money. He stops me as I go to leave and tells me that I overpaid way too much and I wave it off as he tries to hand it back.
"You covered for me several times. Consider it paying you back and tips." I smile at him before turning back to Naruto. "Listen Naruto, I will tell you this one time only. Everyone I ever loved is dead, so now I don't care about anyone. I have my father and my partner, that is all. No one in Konoha gave a shit about me while I was here anyway so why would I give a shit now?"
He doesn't answer me right away and I don't give him the chance to. I grab the drinks and the bags of food before heading back to the Hokage's tower.

                 I walk past the secretary in the main room and head up to Kakashi's office. My good mood got thoroughly ruined by Naruto and by myself for caving and telling him anything. Hopefully it will keep him off my back though. If he starts it up again though, I will attack him. I push the door open without knocking and mutter a greeting to my father. When I look up I pause in my step and look between Kakashi and his visitor. I mutter an apology to the guy and bow before putting the bags of food on the table closest to me against the wall by the desk. I take a seat on the windowsill once my father apologizes to his guest and asks if I can stay. The visitor nods and they resume their conversation. I study the man before me, trying to figure out who he is. It suddenly clicks. I never met him face to face, but he is the boy from Suna that Deidara and Sasori retrieved. Gaara I believe his name is. He possessed one of the tailed beasts and the rest of the Akatsuki killed him and in the end, Sasori died. Judging by his outfit and the security propped up against the wall behind him, I assume he's the Kazekage. I'm sure it was mentioned before when the Akatsuki wanted him but I honestly never paid much attention.
I shake my head slightly and turn to my father, realizing he'd been talking to me. The other guy is looking at me as well and I avoid his gaze.
"Would you stay with the Kazekage while I get some papers?"
I nod and watch as Kakashi leaves before looking out the window.
"You were in the Akatsuki, right?"
"Yes, why?" I ask, keeping my tone light.
"They spoke of you a few times when I was barely conscious."
"I apologize for them murdering you." I mutter quietly, not knowing what else to say.
"I apologize for their deaths." He replies. "I can see that you cared for them."
I stiffen slightly and bite my lip to stop from saying something stupid or offensive.
"With all due respect, Kazekage-sama, I would like to not discuss this matter."

                 The redhead apologizes again before we fall into a slightly awkward silence. I don't know where Kakashi went, it's not like these papers are in another village or anything. I sigh and decide that I may as well eat before the food gets cold. I get to my feet and cross the room to the bag, Gaara's guard seeming to watch me carefully. I roll my eyes and dig through the bag for my bowl of ramen and I grab the tea just as the door swings open. I set the drink down, knowing that it's not Kakashi or any jonin and grab hold of the handle of my scythe. An orange blur bursts into the room and I step between the intruder and the Kazekage. His guard seems to have had the same idea and we end up side by side ready to fight. I swing the staff of my scythe forward and strike the intruder's head with a dull thud. Naruto lands on the floor holding his head and I push the outer edge of the blade down onto his chest.
"Naruto, this is the Hokage's office. You have no right to come barging in here like you own the place. We have travelling guests that I am sure do not appreciate your unannounced company. You're lucky that you were not killed as your entrance could be taken as an attack against the Kazekage. I deeply apologize for his intrusion."
I direct the last part at Gaara as I glare down at Naruto. Naruto looks past me and grins at Gaara, making me want to hurt him even more.
"Hey Gaara."
"Hello Naruto."
"You know this brat?" I ask Gaara, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
"We met during the Chunin exams and have worked together many times."
I sigh and return my scythe to its holster before allowing Naruto to get to his feet.
"What are you doing here Naruto?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I knew you were coming here and you took off before I could answer you!"
"There was a point to that, Baka, and this is not the time or place for that."
"But it'll be really quick I swear!"
I sigh again and offer apologies to the Kazekage before muttering to Naruto to make it quick and be quiet.
"You can't be completely heartless because the Akatsuki members died. You have Kakashi-sensei to care about and your partner too! Those kids at the Academy like you too, I heard one girl say she wants to be just like you. Just cause you're a criminal doesn't mean you have to be a cold, heartless bitch all the time! Oh and I thought about it and way back before you left, I saw you in a field laughing with and kissing this blond guy, so you must've been in love!"
I pull back and punch him in the face, ignoring the presence of the Kazekage and his guard. Naruto doesn't block or dodge my fist in time and it connects with his nose, a sickening crunch heard throughout the room.
"Get. Out." I seethe, clenching my fists in an attempt to not do any further damage and keep my temper in check. 

A/N: Dayyyuummmmmm, Naruto got hit! But to clarify, Naruto wasn't calling her a bitch in an insulting way, just true Naruto fashion said something the wrong/stupid way.

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