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The detective placed a picture onto the table.

"Matthew James, aged 24 we have him down at the station now and we're hoping to press charges as soon as we have your written statement down as evidence"

Florence stared down at the table.

"Miss Roberts?" Sergeant Donovan prompted.

"That's not my name" 

He didn't seem surprised at all.

"I lied to the ambulance workers, Cole Roberts isn't my brother but I'm as close to next of kin as he has, his brother and parents have both passed"

She felt a rush of panic.

"Please don't tell them at the hospital, they'll stop me seeing him and I can't bear to not be there"

Donovan looked sympathetic, he had kind eyes she noticed and wore an understanding expression.

"You shouldn't have lied to officials Miss?"

"Clarke" Florence supplied.

"Clarke" he finished "

"But given the circumstances and what you just witnessed I suppose your forgiven, if Mr Roberts really doesn't have a next of kin we can get into contact with you'll need to fill out some forms to confirm your identity before being let in to see him, I'll let you off with a warning just this once"

She felt like hugging him.

"Matthew was way over the limit for safe driving and we believe you have a good case against him, but Mr Roberts has a final say in all legal proceedings"

"He's in a coma" she cut in, what kind of stupidity was that, of course Cole would want to press charges against the man who had put him in a coma!

"I'm aware of the situation Miss Clarke and I understand that this is all very distressing for you, but just for a moment put your emotions to the side and understand that there are laws in place, laws that no matter how unjust they may seem in this moment have to be followed"

She didn't feel so friendly towards him anymore.

"So your saying that until Cole wakes up nothing can be done... this lunatic can just roam free able to knock down other pedestrians!"

"Of course not, he will be granted bail and then brought into an official court hearing where the evidence against him will be read out to the jury, I've spoken to the doctors at the hospital and they believe that you friend has every possibility of making a full recovery, but I assure you whatever happens Mr James will pay the price for his reckless actions"

His actions were beyond reckless in her opinion, who went out and became so drunk that they couldn't stay on their own two feet.. and then decided to drive!

It was beyond comprehension.

"Will that be all?" she asked, not wanting to sound rude but needing to be back at the hospital, Donovan handed her a pile of official forms with a nod, she snatched them up, pushed them down into her bag and practically ran out of the room... and bumped straight into her Mother.

Descent (Dysmorphia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now