party girls

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It was December second when I met Evan. I was on a trip with kids from my university, and we were in Puerto Rico. My life felt complete then. I had everything I needed. Puerto Rico was a thrilling place with vibrant colors and numerous cafes. A little club with a neon orange sign sat at the end of one road. That's where I found myself on December second. I was only nineteen.

Standing on a ladder leaned up against the women's restroom window, I reached down to adjust my dress. Seconds later the window pushes open from the inside and a beautiful blonde shrieks with happiness.

"You're in! Hurry!" Savana's blonde curls bounce as she waves us in. I climb through the window and onto the countertop. When I feel safe, I turn and help Amily. Both of us make it to the floor and straighten our dresses as we walk into the main section of the club.
My head snaps to the left and I notice a group of rowdy boys jumping and shouting around a table. It takes about three seconds for me to see what they're cheering for. A boy, older than me, dances atop the table in his american flag boxers. I duck under multiple sets of sweaty arms to the corner of the bar to avoid them. My arms cover my flashy, sequined minidress and I hurry to hide. But it's too late. The boy sees me. I turn to avoid eye contact, and he climbs off the table. Several disappointed sighs follow from the boys around him.
"Are you Avery? You look like Avery. I'm Evan. I looooovvvvveeeeee parties. And this dress is fantastic," he grazes the thin fabric across the back of his hand. The smell of alcohol radiates from his mouth. "You look like a movie," he continues. His arms and body sway back and forth, showing me that he's very intoxicated.
"I'm actually Josephine. I like your boxers," I say hoping to hide my shaky voice and hands. Evan chuckles and it sounds very forced. He takes a breath and goes silent. His eyes stare straight at my face, which continues to get hotter and hotter with embarrassment. After several long seconds of straight awkwardness, I break it up.
"You are definitely missing your pants," I say as I point to them laying on the floor across the room. He looks down, smacks his hand to his head, and ducks under the tables to retrieve his pants. I pull a pen out of my bag and grab a napkin. Two minutes later, I'm standing outside the club alone, leaving one thing inside. My number. I pray that he'll call me.

*hey guys! Authors note: these first few chapters are more of an introduction to the characters and a feel for the layout of the story. I'm very sorry that there's a lack of length, but I'm still learning and improving!*

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