perfume & boxes

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The scent of strong perfume fills my room and pulls me out of a deep sleep. On the other side of the room, Evan stands still when he notices me looking.
"Oh. Hey."
"Hey. What's that smell?" I get out of bed and use my bedframe to walk to him.
"I don't know."
"You smell like," I stop. "You smell like perfume."
"No. I put on cologne this morning."
"Are you sure? It kinda smells like a girls scent."
"I'm sure. It's a new bottle. If you don't like it I won't wear it anymore. I'm sorry."
"No it's fine. Just a weird scent yanno?"
"Yeah. Anyways I wanted to apologize," he lifts up my big shirt to see the bruise he left on my side and shoulders. My lack of a bra doesn't seem to phase him as his fingertips trace the spots that hurt.
"Ouch," I wince when he presses too hard on my rib.
"I'm sorry," he pauses, thinking. "Didn't you break your ribs in the accident?"
"Yeah that was a while ago though."
"Not long enough," his hand flies to his forehead and he sighs. "I may have broken them again. Oh god."
"Evan it's fine. The pain is going away," I lie.
"Okay. But if it keeps hurting please tell me."
"Of course I will."
"I'm so sorry. That's not me. I don't kick girls, I don't hurt them. I was drunk and I was mad that you didn't trust me and I'm just really sorry. I wasn't super hungover yesterday either. But I knew, I knew, that you were in pain and I couldn't stand to see you like that when it's something I did. I'm sorry."
"I forgive you. And I'm sorry that I didn't trust you. You've been with me through so much. And I'll never forget that. I love you."
He looks away nervously.
He slowly inches towards the door, avoiding those three words.
"Are you serious? You don't love me?"
"Yes I love you. It's scary ok? It's scary to love someone."
"I know. I know." He lays back onto the bed and I follow. He pulls me in close and runs his fingers through my hair.

We run some errands around town and come back to my house for lunch. Kevin and Amily are there, the picture of a perfect couple, to anyone who doesn't know them. They pack up his car and hers to deliver another load of stuff.
"Hey Josephine, do you wanna come help us unload later?"
"Yeah sure. Do you want Evan to come?" I look to Evan.
"Actually baby, my back hurts pretty bad. I'm just gonna stay here," he looks to Kevin. "Sorry man."
"It's all good. How does 5:30 sound?"
"Perfect I'll be there."

Evan pulls me into the room and hugs me tight. "I do love you. Really. Don't ever doubt."
He stares into my eyes, trying a little too hard to display his affection.
"I believe you."
We lay in bed watching a movie and kissing until 5:15 rolls around.
"Oh. I've gotta go help them unpack. You sure you don't wanna go?"
"Yeah I'm sure. How long do you think you'll be there?"
"Probably an hour and a half or so. I might stay and visit a while, if Kevin isn't unbearable to be around," I laugh.
"Ok. Love ya."
"Back atcha."

Kevin's house is beautiful and ginormous. It towers above others near it.
"Nice house."
"Thanks. I think we may stay here for a while, but I don't really have a use for a house this big," the words come from Kevin's mouth like they're no big deal. For Kevin to say something like that, he had to make big changes.
"That's so cool."
We unload the boxes and carry them in, the house seemingly endless from the inside. I sit inside and chat for an hour before they decide to finish the unloading.
"You can go. We only have a small load left."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah go have a good time with Evan!" Amily smiles wide as she pulls Kevin closer.
"Okay! Good luck."

I get in the car to drive home.

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