fights & fashion shows

21 2 0

-- 2 a.m. --
I'm pulled out of a deep sleep by the ringing of my phone. My windows show no sign of the sunrise. I pick it up to answer.
"Hey I'm so glad you picked up."
"Yes baby. I'm having succccchhhhhh a good time. Come partyyyy."
"Evan. Are you serious?"
"Yes baby. Baby. Baby," he laughs at something a friend says and breathes heavy, intoxicated breaths into the phone.
"I'm not coming."
"I'm gonna come over to your house and drive you here."
"You are not driving. No way."
"Baby. Baby. Pleaseeeeeee."
I laugh at the use of 'baby' and roll my eyes.
"Can you text me the address? I'm coming."
"Yeah are we gonna partyyyyyyy?"
"No. I'm coming to get you and you can party at my house."
"Okay babyyyyyyyy baby baby. Love ya!"
"Love you too."
I hang up and strap on my prosthetic. I throw on a huge tshirt and grab a pair of shorts as I head out the door. Amily sits on the couch watching something on her phone and she gives me a glare as I pass her.
"Where are you going?"
"To get Evan. He's drunk."
"Okay. Please be careful."
"I will."
Amily's car starts perfectly and I drive to the address Evan sends me. Strobe lights bounce back and forth at the door and through the windows. Loud music bumps all throughout the yard as I walk to the door and knock. A super hammered chick opens the door and Evan follows her.
"Josephine!" He throws himself at me, no control of his limbs.
"Hey. You ready?"
"He's not leaving," the sassy blonde grabs his arm and pulls him in.
"Excuse me. Yes he is. Ev, let's go."
The girl grudgingly let's go of his arm and it only takes a split second for me to recognize her. The door slams in mine and Evans faces as my mouth opens.
"Was that Rachel?"
"Yeah? Really? You came to a party with girls, I didn't know anything about it until you need me to pick you up, and she seems way too attached to you?!"
"Chill out. My God." He steps back from me and puts his hands into the air.
"Chill out?! Are you kidding? You can just stay here with Rachel if I'm not chill enough for you."
"I'd rather do that."
"Oh. My. God. Evan. What the heck?"
"Yeah. You're being a bitch."
"What?!" I move closer to him and he shoves me away from him, hard. I land on the grass and scramble backwards as he keeps coming forward.
"Evan, what the fuck? Just get in the car."
"No," his hand lands hard against the side of my face. I struggle to get up as he kicks me in my ribs. Pain shoots through my body and I let out a screech. He storms off into the house and I stand to brush myself off. I get into the car and drive home.

When I woke up again, a stabbing pain rips through my side. The spot where he kicked has a glowing purple bruise and plenty of pain to go around. My shoulders are sore from his hands hitting them, and a handprint shaped bruise on the side of my face tells me I'll be needing makeup today. I get dressed slowly and grab one of my crutches. Fooling with the prosthetic seems like the last thing on my mind right now. I grab some ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet and grab my phone to call Evan.

It rings for what seems like forever.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answers.
"Hey. Ev. It's me. Josephine."
"Hey. What's up?"
"I just. I mean."
He's silent on the phone.
"I'm sorry Evan. I overreacted and it was out of line."
For a second, I think I hear whispers in the background. I shake the thought out of my head.
"Yeah. It's whatever Jo. I'll meet up with you tomorrow. Hangovers are nasty yanno. Just need a day to shake it off."
"I get that. We'll talk tomorrow. See ya."
He hangs up and I toss my phone onto the couch. I flip on the tv and watch live coverage of a fashion show in France that I was supposed to be walking in. Angrily, I watch the girls walk down the catwalk, the light in their eyes, and high fashion on their bodies. I think of everything that could've been if I hadn't been in that accident. My body was in perfect shape, now bones stick out in random spots and my cheeks are too hollow. I'm an hour into pouting when Savana bursts through the door, James Madden in tow.
"Hey Jo. Look. It's your doctor."
"Yeah I gathered that. Hi."
"Hey," he wears sweatpants and a tshirt, completely different from his normal attire.
"Dr. Madden, how old are you?"
"Look. I'm James. Don't call me Dr. And I'm 23."
"And why are you here?" I realize my question is a bit rude.
"Savana said we were coming here before our date to see you," Savana glares at him.
"Oh, you guys are dating?"
"Yeah. We are," Savana smiles and grabs his hand.
"Cool. Have fun on your date," the awkwardness fills the air.
"Thanks. Catch ya later!"
They leave and I fall onto the couch laughing. Amily comes from her room a few minutes later and sits next to me. She looks at me, like she wants to tell me something. I flick off the tv and turn to her.
"What's up?"
"I love being your roommate. We were so lucky to find this house and not have to live in an apartment."


"But I'm leaving."

"Me and Kevin are finding a place."
"Is that a good idea? You guys breakup a lot. I mean if you think you'll like it then go for it. But I want you to be sure."
"I'm sure. I love him and he's difficult, yeah, but it's what makes him, him. And don't get me wrong. I love it here. This has been the best time of my life. But yanno. Evan can live here or you can make my room a closet. It'll be great. We can still see each other all the time."
"Yeah! It'll be great. When are you moving out?"
"Well, most of my stuff is moved to Kevin's already so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. I'll be packing up today."
"That's awesome," I cross my arms, trying not to be sad.
"Yeah," she squeezes my hand. "I'm so glad you understand."
"Of course."
She gets up and walks into her room.

I spend the rest of my day organizing my clothes and watching the show. At 8 p.m. I fall asleep.

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