breakups & pain

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"Yeah. Hi. Sorry I called I just," she pauses and sighs. "Kevin and I. It's not gonna work. I have," she pauses again, tears in her voice. My heart aches for her. "I have to come home. Is it okay? I mean. I can find somewhere else."
"No, Amily. Of course you can stay here. It's your house too," I feel awful that she thinks she won't be welcomed back. 
"Okay." She hangs up the phone and immediately, the lock of our front door turns. Amily walks through the door with her bags in hand. Tears are streaming down her rosy cheeks.
"What happened?"
"Kevin and I are done. I think for good this time."
"I'm so sorry."
"Thanks," she gives me a weak smile and a timid hug and hustles into her room and locks the door. Evan is still asleep in my room so I go to wake him up. I walk into the room, being sure to make as little noise as possible. I wanted to wake him up to say goodbye before I drive to Tucson for a photoshoot. He's asleep on his back, so peaceful. I lunge on top of him and scare him. He startles awake and fakes a glare.
"Hey," he says in his scruffy morning voice, that I've grown to love, brushing the hair out of my face.
He smiles and pushes himself up in the bed.
"What are your plans for the day?"
"Driving to Tucson for a photoshoot," I put on a frown to show my disdain at leaving him.
"Ah gotcha. When do you have to leave?"
"Like ten minutes. But breakfast is on the table for you. Bacon and eggs."
He rolls his eyes. I make bacon and eggs almost every morning. I poke at his chest and hop up to get dressed. Something I should explain about Evan: he doesn't ever REALLY commit. We've never slept naked or had sex, and I'm not his girlfriend. We hug and dance and sing and go on "dates," but never more. I wouldn't even say we're friends with benefits. There's nothing that other people would consider beneficial about being with Evan, but being around him is beneficial enough for me.
When I come out of the bathroom, Evan is no where to be found. I grab my keys, phone, and portfolio before heading into the kitchen.
"Bye," Evan smiles and waves as he downs the last of the bacon.
I get in my car, turn on my gps, and get ready to drive.

I drive over half of the way there before the accident.

An intersection. A blue Toyota Corolla. A gray Ford Fusion. A black Ford Explorer. A girl, with big dreams and an increasingly beautiful life. A man, maybe a little drunk, maybe a little wild. An elderly woman, maybe on her way to her grandchildren. A girl, on her way to one of the biggest opportunities of her life. A man, probably just out for a good time. An elderly woman, going by her daily routine. A red light. A green light. A green light.

He hits me first, drivers side. Luckily he's not going too fast. I spin into her, driving the opposite direction of me, drivers side. Her car rolls. Pain shoots through my thigh and everything seems so fake and so agonizingly slow. I skid to a stop in the closest field, her car not too far, and his in the intersection. I climb out of my car, tired and hurt. I glance at the blood pooling from my leg and into a puddle. The pain and gore makes me throw up all over my shoes. I fall. It all goes black.

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