waking up & him

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Northwest Medical Center's driveway is narrow, and freshly paved. The ambulance rides smoothly over the speed bumps. A normal car would be jumping all over the place. My hazy vision can barely help me grasp what's going on. A nurse with blonde tresses tucked into a small cap greets us at the ambulance doors. The outside of the building is a dull shade of gray. No one I know is here. Nurse woman comes into the ambulance and helps push me out of it. The air is brisk and cold. A sharp pain hits my leg and I wheeze.
"Are you okay?" The ditzy nurse looks over me. I nod, then pass out again.
•••••FEBRUARY 21, 2017•••••
When I wake up, Amily's tear stained eyes are the first to fall on mine.
"She's awake!" Her eyes look from me to the door frantically. She gets up and runs out into the main nurses station. "She's awake!"
When she returns, a doctor is in tow. He has dark hair and skin.
"I'm Dr. Madden. Nice to meet you. I'm very sorry about your leg. It was all we could do based on the shattering of the thigh. Your ribs will be a little sore as well. And you need to use brain functions as little as possible. We're waiting to see if there will be more swelling or not." His words turn into babble. My head begins to hurt and my breaths feel labored.
"What about the other people?"
"Excuse me?"
My words must have come out differently than I'd expected.
"The man and the woman."
"Oh yes. In a devastating turn of events, neither of them made it. The young man had a small concussion and a break in his elbow, but we weren't expecting to lose him. The doctors didn't find the brain swelling in time, and he died this morning. The woman died instantly we believe." I nod my head and close my eyes. The doctors words ring in my head. I am almost asleep when a pain jolts my left leg. I reach out to it to rub it, and it's gone. I scream and pass out.

I reawaken to darkness in my room. A single lamp illuminates the corner enough to see Evan asleep in the chair and another figure on the couch. I push off the covers and put my right leg on the floor, knowing my left leg will not follow. I push up using my arm strength, similar to how Evan did the morning everything fell apart. How long ago? Two days? It feels like a month.
I use my left arm and my leg to "walk" over to Evan. He looks up at me and opens his arms. I lay down in his lap and fall back to sleep.
A dream of that man, the killer who took my leg, my dreams, his life, that woman's life, haunts me. He chases me through a maze, but halfway through I lose my leg. He catches me. I wake up. The rest of the night will be sleepless.

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