evan & LA

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"Good morning," a rugged voice wakes me and I turn over. I'm taken a little bit by surprise when I see Evan.
"Good morning," I say, remembering last nights events. Evan hops out of bed and grabs his shirt.
"You're leaving?" I say, a little disappointed.
"Yeah I have an interview in a couple hours. I need to go home and get ready."
"Gotcha," i grab a tshirt and shorts from my closet and change in the bathroom.
Evan hugs me and leaves with a wave goodbye. The morning wastes away. I lay in bed staring blankly at the ceiling wondering what I'm supposed to do now. Evan has a life, a job. I need him to be near me. His presence is enough to satisfy me. He doesn't know that he's got me wrapped around his finger. But he's busy and I just sit here alone.
"I need a job," I tell Amily as we sit at our table that night. She gives me a small serving of ramen noodles knowing it's all I can handle.
"Then apply for one." She points her fork at me matter-of-factly.
"Where? I don't know where."
"Anywhere you want Jo. There's tons of options." She doesn't look up from her bowl.
We sit in silence for a few more minutes. I scroll through applications at local stores and restaurants, but none really appeal to me. I drift off into memories of my magical night. In my dream, we get out of the car and walk into Greta's. On the door hangs a HELP WANTED sign. We walk in.
I lift my head up and grab my phone.
"Lightbulb!" I shout at Amily, who nearly drops her plate. "Greta's! They're hiring!"
"Hurry then," Amily doesn't even try to look excited.
"What's your problem?"
"Nothing. If you want a real job then get one."
"Modeling is a real job. It's just a little slow right now."
"No it's not! I make loads of money consistently. I have a real job. You make loads of money, like, four times a month for working one day. That's not a real job. Sorry," she goes back to washing the dishes.
"You're being really rude. You've always supported me. What's going on with you?"
"Look. I just can't stand you moping around all day. You always leave and don't ever tell me where you're going, a random guy shows up at our door last night, and you told me about him but not until like an hour before! And then! Then, he scares me when he just waltzes out of your room this morning."
"Oh my gosh. You're being a baby."
"Yeah well. I'm going to stay with Kevin for a little while. My bags are already packed. He's coming to get me at nine," she shakes her head sadly and walks to her room. The clock reads 8:46 am.

The next month goes by with maximum levels of boredom. I shoot a cover for Allure Magazine in LA and stay in California for a week. Evan tagged along and we went to the beach everyday. We returned to Arizona and boredom set in. Evan came over almost every night to watch movies. By the time Amily was ready to come home, we'd watched every movie I owned, and a couple rentals.

*sorry for a short chapter! It was sort of a move along, because this story isn't meant to be super long, although there are tons (!) of surprises to come. Thanks for reading!*

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