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A few weeks had passed and Elizabeth and Alicia had to say goodbye to their old life in England, claiming that their parents had died in a car crash, so the two needed a fresh start. Elizabeth was heartbroken that she had to leave her friends, but Esme reassured her that she would make new ones soon enough.

Alice had not been able to see Elizabeth's future for almost a week, so they bought it up to the family, excluding Renesme, Jacob and Alicia. They all agreed that it would be in their best interest to ask one of their close friends, Eleazer if he was able to detect a power in Elizabeth that could suggest a possible solution to Alice not seeing her future.

Elizabeth packed a bag full of clothes and a few things to keep her entertained, as her, Esme, Carlisle and Alicia were going to see their 'cousins' from the Denali coven. Carlisle knocked on her door and she replied with a simple 'come in'. He looked around her room to see it incredibly tidy.

"Wow." He said, catching her attention. "This place is clean." He admired.

"I hate messy places." She admitted. Carlisle took her bag for her as they made their way out into the living room, where Esme and Alicia were sitting and talking. Esme and Carlisle were planning on telling Alicia about the situation, when they got the chance, but Esme was worried about how she would take the information.

"You ready kiddo?" Alicia asked, slinging an arm around her younger sister. Elizabeth nodded and they made their way out to the black Mercedes waiting for them.


Esme and Alicia were up front talking about random things and Elizabeth was sound asleep, her headphones over her ears, as an attempt to block out the world. Carlisle was reading a book, but every now and then, he'd stop to watch his young mate for a few minutes, just to make sure that she was alright.

"Carlisle, are you okay? You keep on checking up on El like she's about to disappear." Alicia laughed nervously. Esme grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"She's just so peaceful." Was all he said. They drove in silence for the last half hour of the trip and when they came to the Denali's house, Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes. She took off her headphones and slung them around her neck. She looked outside the window and snow blanketed the ground. She smiled, always loving the idea of snow.

"We're here." Esme announced, as she turned the ignition off. Carlisle looked up from his book and noticed Elizabeth already outside, enjoying the snowflakes that fell from the sky; snowflakes catching in her jet black hair. He smiled and took her bag along with his and closed his car door. Three women and two men came out of a nicely built house and stood in front of Esme, greeting her kindly. Elizabeth stopped abruptly and looked at the people, registering them as vampires. She had trouble still trying to comprehend the fact that she wasn't meant to kill these people, and Alicia noticed this, standing next to her, reassuring her that everything was fine.

"And who are these two?" A man with short black hair asked, looking at the sisters. Alicia put a hand on her sisters back and they walked over to Esme and Carlisle. Elizabeth stood behind Carlisle and Alicia smiled, holding hands with Esme.

"This is Alicia, my mate." A woman with long black hair smiled at Alicia and Esme.

"It's so nice that you've found your mate." She looked over at Elizabeth who was standing a little behind Carlisle.

"This is Elizabeth, she's my mate." Carlisle introduced. The Denali coven smiled warmly at her.

"Nice to meet you." She said, standing by Carlisle's side.

"My name is Carmen and this is my husband Eleazer. This is Tanya, Kate and her mate Garret." Carmen introduced them. Garret had recently joined their coven and had converted to animal blood to fit in with his new coven.

"Why don't we go inside?" Eleazer offered, and they all walked inside.

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