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A few days had passed and ,with the help of the Cullen's, Alicia and Elizabeth staged Tessa's death, as a suicide, by getting her body and placing it on the beach back in England, to look like she had drowned herself. Emmett and Rosalie had somehow managed to put her head and body back together when they took her away into the woods.

"Thanks for doing that for me, guys." Elizabeth smiled sadly at her family, as they all sat in the living room, after coming back from England.

"You're welcome, kid!" Emmett boomed, ruffling the girls hair. She glared at him playfully, as she smoothed it back down. She frowned, as she looked down at the ground, thinking about what happened between her and her best friend.

"What's wrong, El?" Esme asked.

"I...I just feel like I could've handled the situation better. Like there was another way..." She trailed off. Rosalie placed an arm around the girl comfortingly and Alicia sighed.

"Honestly, it would've ended the same way, Eli. You know Tessa, she's... She'll do anything to get her way. She would've killed you, still believing that there was a way to turn herself human again." She said. Elizabeth nodded and Alice gasped.

"Elizabeth, one of your friends are gonna video call you on your computer in a few minutes." Alice stated.

"Okay." Elizabeth whispered, as she grabbed her laptop and headed outside. The sky was turning dark and the air was getting cold, but she didn't mind. She sat down at the table, and bought her knees up to her chest, waiting for her friend to call. She didn't know who it would be, but she hoped that they wouldn't notice how guilty she looked. Her screen brightened and a picture of her friend, Amanda, popped up along with an end and accept button. Elizabeth took a deep breath and pressed the accept button and the face of Amanda came onto the screen.

"Hey how- what's wrong?" Elizabeth played along, as she saw her friends face sadden. There were signs that Amanda had been crying, her face was grey and there were dark circles under her eyes. There was no life in her face.

"Tessa was found dead. Her body washed up on the shore, yesterday." Tears fell from her eyes and Elizabeth's face showed pure shock. The guilt helped.

"W-What?" She stuttered out. She felt extremely bad for her best friend, while she was here faking all emotions regarding the subject, Amanda was actually going through hell.

"I-I know right? She seemed fine last time I saw her! She was gonna tell me something important when we met up, but she never showed. I thought that maybe she would've just ditched me to go and smoke weed or whatever, but then....this!" Amanda cried. A few tears fell from Elizabeth's eyes, as she saw just how distressed her best friend is.

"How's everyone handling it?" Elizabeth asked, trying to stay strong.

"Shit. Their even worse than me. Finn and Peter are heartbroken, Ben's starting fights for no apparent reason," she paused and looked at her friend.

"He put Cassandra in a coma just because she called Tessa an attention seeker." Elizabeth covered her mouth. How could things get so out of hand?

"Will you be coming to the funeral? It's two weeks from today." Amanda asked. Elizabeth shrugged.

"I don't know..."

"Aww come on, she was your friend, just as much as she was mine. Mr and Mrs Dunn wanted me to tell you that they want you to come. Please?" Amanda begged. Elizabeth sighed.

"I'll see what I can do." She smiled sadly at her best friend. Amanda smiled back and nodded, some colour coming back into her face.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Love ya." Amanda said and Elizabeth waved, clicking the END button, after saying goodbye. Once the screen went blank Elizabeth let out a breath, she didn't realise she was holding in, and shut the laptop. She grabbed it and headed inside and saw everyone staring at her.

"Do you wanna go?" Alicia asked her younger sister, referring to the funeral back in England. Elizabeth shrugged, taking a seat on the couch next to Jasper.

"Yeah, I guess... I just don't want to..."

"See her body in case you slip up? I know kid, but it's the best thing to do so you don't look suspicious." Alicia stated and she nodded.

"I guess I'll go."

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