Part 6

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Chapter Six:

Jk p.o.v

I left Y/N to sleep in her room and went to gather the group to share Y/N's story , it's best if I share it when she is asleep so they do not want to bother her with questions. Today her story will be told fully and some things will be sad to tell ,but I hope they group will help her overcome the trauma.

Jk " Boys and girls ...oh and horse too . Come out to the patio please I have some things to say it's important."

Yoongi " What about Y/N ?"

Jk " It's about her actually and it's better if I say now so you guys have time to cool before asking her questions that can hurt her."

Chimchim " What's going on ? Is she okay? Is she hurt somewhere?"

Jk " yes man.... Um it's about how she stopped talking and covered her face. She couldn't talk it anymore and told me well wrote an entry about it and showed me."

Tae " she told you ?!" he was surprised about it " she was stubborn in not telling a soul you must be her best friend" tae was happy you can tell someone your sadness and happiness. He thought of you like a little sister thus you are younger than Jungkook too.

Yoongi " let's go then . Yeri and namjoon are outside alone Idk what happens there ." Everyone laughed except Jungkook he was too busy thinking of you.

Hey walked out to see yeri and namjoon sitting together making a bonfire farther out of the patio.

NJ " What's wrong why are you so serious kookie?"

J-hope " sit with us you will know soon"

Jk " jimin can you tell us what you know about Y/N before the accident "

Chimchim " Well she loved her mom to death even though she caught her mom saying " she is not pretty not worth being my daughter". Once she was playing with her dolls singing and her mom heard her , she told her "if you want to become a singer I will be proud of you. Whatever you do , but your voice is wonderful" My aunt paid for piano lessons and vocal lessons because Y/N wanted to become a singer, more to please her mom actually. "

Jk " that's where I come in. After that Y/N went to competitions and actually went far. During one of the rides to a competions, the last one..... There was an accident .....

Y/N wanted to practice her vocals,but her mom wanted her to be quiet to drive with caution because there was traffic.

Her dad could not make it that day he was working overshift . Y/N' s mom turned to tell her to be quiet and that was the last Y/N heard her say. A car hit them causing her mom to fly out the window.

Y/N survived with some broken bones and her jaw broke having a cut from ear to ear, there's a scar now. Since that day she thinks her voice killed her mom and she should not kill another person with it. Because he wants to be pretty she covered her face ."

There was a silence too silent everyone was shocked including jimin.

Jimin " she never...I never thought....why would she think that.....I love her I can't afford her thinking like this..."'

J-hope " she is so strong . So admirable my heartu" he wanted to keep in his tears he was always told he was too emotional, but he was useless he sobbed.

Yoongi " we need to help her get back on her feet "

Tae " she doesn't deserve to be alone "

Nj " she is our little sister and we will be there for her "

Jin " I can't believe I hurt her bad . I need to apologise to her she is going through hell"

Jk " she is asleep now so think about what you say before you speak . okay she just wanted to release the pressure of her pain "

Time skip :

I woke up from a small nap and felt hungry I walked down stairs to grab a sandwich. I opened the fridge, but felt two hands around my waist .

Jin " I am so sorry Y/N " 

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