Part 10

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Chapter Ten:

I had finally done it, although that was not the first thing I wanted to say out loud.

I wanted to thank my friends and say that I am thankful for them.

That didn't happen. Emily was silent for a while.

Emily " I can get who ever I want I am beautiful you are not". That had done it.

Without letting a moment pass I ran ....... Tae running after me.

Tae " Y/N ! Y.N !? "

I kept going and went to the school's garden and found a place to sit. He followed my steps and sat by me.

Tae " don't let it get the best of you, your voice is beautiful Y/N" I smiled half heartedly.

Me" I wanted my first words to be for you guys something nice, but I used my voice first on her. She didn't deserve hear it first"

He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

Tae " I was there I heard you . I am sure the guys will understand at least you can speak with us."

Without knowing, Jin was watching from afar.

Jin " As long as you're happy Y/N, I will accept it if you choose him" he sighed and went on.


Emily " Looks like I will have to teach her a lesson." she smirked " let's go girls"

Her friends began to worry about Y/N themselves.

Friend 1: " (whisper) we should warn them"

Friend 2" yes"

Emily " hurry up, I need my bag"

Before emily could suspect the girls quickly catched up to her.

Back to Y/N and Tae....

Me " Is it okay if i stay over at your place today.

You know my dad hasn't been around much and I hate being by myself."

Tae " yeah. Of course. My sister loves playing with you and maybe you can pass you story to her. ....she need someone that understands her" He looked sad.

Me " I am here for you."

Tae " thank you Y/N " he smiled " let's go it's the last period"

After school you got a text from someone unknown

??? " meet me by the gym. Don't take long Y/N" I wonder who this is

???" it's your classmate. Bring BTS . This is important"

Quicky you gather your friends to the gym to meet this person.

J-hope " what if it's a trap ?"

Namjoon" relax there are no spiders.... Wait there"

J-hope " ahhhhh"

Yoongi" he is lying"

J-hope " i knew that"

Me " wait those are emily's friends?"

Friend of emily 1: " Relax we came to warn you about emily"

Jin " why would you warn us? Aren't you guys her friends?"

JK " And what can she do?"

Tae " you guys would be surprised actually.

When a girl came to ask for help on homework once she got way too jealous and locked her in the biology room the whole night.

After that the girl never spoke to me"

Friend of emily 2: " she has already planned to kidnap you be careful who you trust Y/N her dad is rich and so she could hire people to find you."

Jimin " Y/N you are gonna stay with us for a while until she cools off. I am hoping you two are on our side since you are here now?"

Friend 2: " we are tired of being pushed around by her"

Friend 1: " Her dad threatened by parents to work for him in the company . "

Me " I guess we will have to work together to end this"

Jimin" wait up Y/N you are in danger and you want to help"

Me " I am tired to being quiet and hiding myself I will take my mask off in public too .

I will be true to myself.

I need to show those who are going to what I did that you can't hide forever"

J-hope " you really are something Y/N "

Me " I know."

JK: " now that you talk again I feel we won't be able to make it stop"

Dear Diary, He is my angelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant