Part 11

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Chapter 11:

That night I stayed with the boys who were like bodyguards crazy, and the girls decided to come by even though the boys didn't want to be protecting more people.

They wanted their complete attention on you.

Bora " More people to help oppa. Relax. Besides what can she do with all these people watching?"

Jimin " A Lot actually"

Jessica was worried, but realized.

Jessica " what if we go to the bangtang house for a while?!"

J-hope " your right"

Jk " wouldn't that be suspicious ?"

Namjoon " tomorrow is the last day of school , until winter term. I think we are okay."

Yeri " joonie? But we are coming with you we are a team remember?"

Namjoon" okay,but you will listen to us when we tell you to do something okay?"

Yeri" deal" namjoon gave her a back hug and turned to us.

Namjoon" let's do this then"

It seemed we were ready for everything and everyone.

My dad would not even notice I was gone; he has been distant lately.

At the bangtang house......

Jimin : " Y/N ?"

Me : " yes oppa?"

Jimin: " the boys have told me there intentions with you and I want to tell you that you should not feel pressured to chose one okay?" I smiled.

Jimin: " you already did haven't you?" I blushed and kept my head down.

Jimin: " just be careful okay? Have you told him yet?"

Me " no oppa not yet, I will tell him later"

He nodded.

Yeri " a game?"

Me : " wait I will go make some hot cocoa" they cheered for they loved your food.

They were in the patio talking and watching movies in the projector.

You went to prepare the hot cocoa when you felt a pair of hands on your waist. You turned around it was jungkook.

Me " kookie? What is it?"

Jungkook " I missed you already."

Me " eww"

Jungkook just laughed and pouted

Jungkook " come one don't pretend you love me"

Me " A little only"

He was jungshook. You just continued your doings.

Jungkook" you know I will wait until you choose one of us. I really care about you and I just want to say that I am glad you are back to normal."

Me " ....... I am glad I meet you guys you changed me for the good"

You were doing to grab a cup from the top of the cabinet, but could not reach it.

Jk " I got you !" he reached up to the cabinet taking space from you. He was on his toes and brought the cup to your hand.

You guys were inches apart, only inched away from lips touching.

Me " u-uh thank you." you turned to your pot, but could not concentrate.

Jungkook" I am sorry "

Me " for?" you weren't facing him

Jungkook " this" he grabbed your wrist and turned you to him. He placed his hand behind your neck and brought you to his lips. 


If you guy any ideas for this fanatic please tell me . I am open to ideas.  I am starting a new ff with a horror theme. I will release the prologue and first chapter sometime this upcoming week.   

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