Part 14

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Yoongi chapter 14

It's been a couple minutes since I left the house. I probably should have told at least one person, no they could get hurt !

My phone ran it was chimchim, but I ignored it. They must of noticed I was gone by now.

He sent a message

Chimchim: " I don't know where you are, but be careful please. I love you"

If he only knew where I was going.

I finally arrived, and it was dark and quiet. Great just perfect i am guessing she right behind me.

I turned and yes she was behind me smiling ever so creepy.

Emily : " hello Y/N, how are you ?"

Me: " just cut to the chase will you?"

Emily stood there smirking at me for awhile before breaking the silence.

Emily: " you know you have a couple of options; leave the boys or I just end you now."

Me: " simple" not really, it was a question of selfishness and friendship.

She tied you up to a chair in a room and left . you noticed you weren't the only person in there.

Me: " What are you guys doing in there?" her "friends" were tied up as well in the room with you.

Friend one : " she caught on that we were helping you."

Friend two : " she tied us up and she's planning on burning the place down. Well, that's if you choose to not give up on BTS ."

Friend one : "but it doesn't matter what you pick she still will burn the place she's crazy"

Me: " well then, start asking God for forgiveness then."

Meanwhile :

Emily was with some men downstairs giving orders.

Man 1: " you do know that your dad will eventually send you to a mental ward right? What you are doing now, that's crazy."

Emily: " call me crazy again, and you will meet crazy"

He gulped and bowed

She waited to continue . " now, as what I was saying when I give the sign you will press this button and we'll burn this place"

Man 1: " As you wish"

The man excused himself along with his men leaving her alone to think.

Emily went to check on her "guests" upstairs.

While doing so she imagined a world where you did not exist and was close to tae and the rest of BTS.

How nice it could be, she would never have to be along again where she was not betrayed by her friends like they have done.

She had always had a relationship with tae, but who she really wanted to have a relationship with was yoongi.

He who was quiet and reserved she loved that about him and wanted to test his limits. A rude guy around others, but nice for her and only her.

It irritated her that most of BTS had gathered a bit of caring feelings toward Y/N.

It all started with dad when mom died a couple years back.

He found someone else, a new mom when emily wanted some caring love and attention. It was all she asked for, but never did it occur. So what did she do? She made her new mom go away.

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