Chapter 6

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Scarlett POV

Today was the Halloween party Tyler had invited us. So we decided to skip school and go shopping for our customs. "we should go as vampires" Andrew said " dude vampires are old fashion, we should just go as werewolves" Aaron said "how about angels" Andy said " dude we are in a gang theres nothing about that screaming Angel" Andrew told Andy. "how about devils" Adam said " nah how much you wanna bet theres gonna be alot of guys and girls dress as devils just so they can get laid" Aaron said. I got bored of them arguing about what we should dress of. So i spoke up "guys y'all are stupid, we are the grim reapers so we should dress like a reaper" i said " yea i like that" the guys said "alright lets go to the store and find face paint and i wanna go see if theres any racing places and underground fighting" i said. Yeah you heard right i just to cage fighting and i race back home since it helps me to calm down and release stress. "Okay im down" Andrew said. "Alright ima go take a shower and change, oh and before we go to the mall we should get Starbucks" i said to the guys " yea that would be awsome ive been craving a pumpkin spice latte" Andy said " dude i swear you are a white chick" Andrew laughed. I went upstairs to my shower. I turned on the shower so it can warm up. Once it warmed up i got inside and did my normal routine. I got out of the shower and put on my fluffy towel.  I walked towards my closet and looked for clothes. I decided to wear a white loose top and black rip jeans with my grey cardigan. I went to my makeup table and did a natural look with a wing. After that i went to my shoe area and grabed so white shoes. I got my phone and purse then headed down stairswhere all the guys where ready and waiting for me " what took you so long" Andy said  "sorry i had to look good" i said with a smile.

We got into my Lamborghini and Andrew's Camero. We headed to the mall. I had my windows open feeling the wind going through my hair. We stopped at a red light and Andrew got to my right side and open his window "you wanna race" Andrew shouted "yeah the loser has to be there servant for a week" i yelled back "okay" he yelled back. We wated for the green light to turn. Once it turn i pushed the petal all the way and speed my way to the mall. Lets just say ima have my personal servant for a week. " thats not fair you are basically a professional race driver" Andrew yelled "oh suck it up sore loser" "whatever" he said back. "Alright let got to Starbucks first" Andy said "calm down white girl we going jeez" Adam told him while he let out a chuckle. Andy glared at him and started walking toward the mall entrance.  We looked at each other and yelled at Andy "white girl hold up" Andy stuck up his middle finger and just stared walking again. I ran towards him and grabed his hand "whats wrong hubby" "nothing wifey" he said back "Are you sure if it because of the white girl thing, its just a joke" "no its not that its just that LA its so different, i guess im just home sick and i miss the rest of the gang" Andy said sounding depressed. We started walking towards Starbucks and ordered what we want "hi welcome to stabuck what would you like" the cashier asked "hi can we have a pumpkin spice latte and a vanilla bean Frappuccino please" "will that be all" "yes" "okay so one pumpkin spice latte and a vanilla bean Frappuccino what are your names is Scarlett" "okay it will be 10 dollars" i gave him the money and waited for our drinks. "Scarlett you drinksare ready" i went up to it and got our dring from the guy "thx" i said and walked towards Andy and gave him his latte "thanks so the guys went to the arcade they have here so i was thinking just us two" Andy said "yes thats good soo i was thinking we got to H&M, Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch and other stores" i said "alright lets go"

~After shopping~

We got home around 7 so andy decided to make some food so we won't go to the party in a empty stomach. While Andy is doing that the guys are playing Fifa. I swear thats the only thing they do. I went up stairs and got my computer so i can search up face paint ideas of a grim reaper for the guys. After 30 minutes i had found the perfect one to do for the guys " Scar dinner is ready, Andy made lasagna" " okay ill be there" i went to the dinning room where all the guys where discussing about who knows what. I noticed that it was 9 already and we where trying to get tout of here at least around 10:30 because i had to race, so we had a hour to get ready. "Okay guys when yall are done eating go take a shower and wear black clothes and then go to my room so i can do the face paint and hurry because we only have a hour to get ready" i said as i finished my slice of lasagna. I went up stairs and took a quick shower then went to my closet to get my clothes. I had already picked out the clothes i was wearing which was a black crop to with black skinny jeans and my black heels and my usual black leather jacket. I go every where with that leather jacket i swear. I went to my make up table and started my face paint and make up. I did my foundation and Contour first then did my eye make up. Once i was finish with that i started to do the face paint. I painted my nose black but let a line in the middle. Then i did the eyes and the mouth of the reaper. I have to say it came out perfect. Lastly i did my hair i jist did some natural curls and put on a black rose crown. By the time i was done the guys where here already. First i did Andy's face pain then Andrews and the other guys one by one. Let me tell you right know i did a badass job and the guys haven't seen it so i can wait. "Can we see already you didn't let us see each others face paint and i wanna see that you didn't screw it up" Adam wined like the big baby he is "okay okay you guys can look now" i told them they all turn around and see each others face paint then they looked at theres. "Scar this is legit the coolest thing" Aaron said "thx now lets get going" i said

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