Chapter 3: Wait..Who!?

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  Sean ran down the stairs and tried to untie Mark. "Who are you and what are you doing here!?" Sean yelled. Anti and the mysterious creature looked at Sean.                                                           

"Oh, we haven't properly introduced ourselves! My name is Anti or Antisepticeye, and this is Darkiplier," Anti pointed to the mysterious creature. Sean looked at them both, then looked at Mark. "Darkiplier? Antisepticeye? So... Are you like evil versions of us or something ?" Darkiplier and Anti looked at each other. "Well, duh," Darkiplier chuckled. *knock knock knock* "Oh, let me guess, this is Maddieas?" Sean said sarcastically as he went to open the door. "Hello! My name is Maddieas. Am I late?" Maddieas exclaimed. "You have got to be kidding me. What is this, an evil party?" Sean said, feeling very unamused. Mark managed to get the tape off his mouth. "Can I go now?" Mark asked. "No," Anti said, "We need you all for this." For what? Sean wondered.

   Matthias woke up, just a normal day. "Hey, Amanda," Matthias yawned as he walked down the stairs for breakfast. As soon as he ate he was off to the office. Matthias didn't feel very good that day and he considered calling in sick, but he just thought it was a case of the Monday mornings. When he got to the office everyone looked at him weirdly, as if he was wearing a chicken hat on his head. When he got to his office he knew something must be wrong. "Bryan, why was everyone looking at me weirdly?" Matthias asked with worry in his voice. "I think you might wanna see this...." Bryan responded. He pulled up Youtube and went on Matthias' channel. The first video on it was titled "Say Goodbye To Matthias". Bryan clicked the video and it started playing. In the video, a creature who looks almost exactly like Matthias but with a shadow undertone and red eyes talked about how they will never see Matthias again. Matthias' heart started to beat faster and faster. "I-I-I didn't make that video," Matthias whispered. It all made sense. Everyone in the office was wondering why he didn't tell them that he posted that video. "I know," Bryan replied, but this didn't sound like Bryan, it sounded like the creature in the video. 

   Mark was getting tired of just sitting there, unable to talk to this so-called "Darkiplier", so he got the tape off of his mouth with his forearm. "Can I go now?" Mark asked when he was finished removing the tape from his mouth. The response he got only made him more full of questions. "No, We need you all for this?"  Mark wondered. "All for what?"  Suddenly the door slammed open and in walked Maddieas again. This time, he was pushing a rolling chair with Matthias tied up to it. "Oh great, another chatterbox," Mark said with attitude. Matthias mumbled something, likely offended, but no one understood, because of the tape on his mouth. "So, what is this 'big plan' of yours?" Mark asked full of curiosity. Sean and Matthias waited for a response, that question had been troubling them for a while too. "Our 'big plan', will be told to you as soon as someone else and his 'sidekick' arrives. Why are they always late?" Anti responded. This got Mark, Sean, and Matthias intrigued to know who "someone" and "his sidekick" were. They each ran through every Youtuber they knew, who was always late, in their heads. It didn't take them long to figure out they who they were talking about. 

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